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There are 18 words containing AEOM

ARAEOMETERaræometer n. Archaic form of areometer.
ARAEOMETER n. (historical) an instrument used for measuring specific gravity, also AREOMETER.
ARAEOMETERSaræometers n. Plural of aræometer.
ARAEOMETER n. (historical) an instrument used for measuring specific gravity, also AREOMETER.
ARAEOMETRICARAEOMETRIC adj. relating to araeometry, also ARAEOMETRICAL.
ARAEOMETRIESARAEOMETRY n. the measuring of specific gravity, also AREOMETRY.
ARAEOMETRYaræometry n. Obsolete form of areometry.
ARAEOMETRY n. the measuring of specific gravity, also AREOMETRY.
ARCHAEOMETRICarchaeometric adj. Relating to archaeometry.
ARCHAEOMETRIC adj. relating to archaeometry.
ARCHAEOMETRIESARCHAEOMETRY n. the use of scientific methods in archaeology, also ARCHEOMETRY.
ARCHAEOMETRISTarchaeometrist n. A scientist whose speciality in archaeometry.
ARCHAEOMETRIST n. one who practises archaeometry.
ARCHAEOMETRISTSarchaeometrists n. Plural of archaeometrist.
ARCHAEOMETRIST n. one who practises archaeometry.
ARCHAEOMETRYarchaeometry n. (Archaeology) The application of scientific techniques and methodologies to archaeology.
ARCHAEOMETRY n. the use of scientific methods in archaeology, also ARCHEOMETRY.
CAEOMACAEOMA n. a spore-forming organ of a fungus.
CAEOMASCAEOMA n. a spore-forming organ of a fungus.
PALAEOMAGNETICpalaeomagnetic adj. (UK, geology) Of or pertaining to palaeomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETIC adj. relating to palaeomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETISMpalaeomagnetism n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETISM n. a study of the magnetism of ancient rocks and fossils, and of bricks, pottery, etc. made in past ages.
PALAEOMAGNETISTpalaeomagnetist n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetist.
PALAEOMAGNETIST n. a student of or expert in palaeomagnetism.
PHAEOMELANINphaeomelanin n. Alternative spelling of pheomelanin.
PHAEOMELANIN n. a reddish-brown pigment in animals, including birds.
PHAEOMELANINSphaeomelanins n. Plural of phaeomelanin.
PHAEOMELANIN n. a reddish-brown pigment in animals, including birds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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