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There are 17 words containing ADUM

ADUMBRALadumbral adj. Dark, shady.
ADUMBRAL adj. shadowy.
ADUMBRATEadumbrate v. To foreshadow vaguely.
adumbrate v. To give a vague outline.
adumbrate v. To obscure or overshadow.
ADUMBRATEDadumbrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of adumbrate.
adumbrated adj. (Comparable) Obscured.
adumbrated adj. (Comparable) Foreshadowed.
ADUMBRATESadumbrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adumbrate.
ADUMBRATE v. to foreshadow vaguely, to intimate.
ADUMBRATINGadumbrating v. Present participle of adumbrate.
ADUMBRATE v. to foreshadow vaguely, to intimate.
ADUMBRATIONadumbration n. (Uncountable) The state of being in shadow or shade; (countable) a shadow.
adumbration n. (Countable) A faint sketch; a brief representation, an outline.
adumbration n. (Countable, uncountable, figuratively) A rough or symbolic representation; a vague indication of what…
ADUMBRATIONSadumbrations n. Plural of adumbration.
ADUMBRATION n. a sketch or outline.
ADUMBRATIVEadumbrative adj. Of or pertaining to adumbration.
ADUMBRATIVE adj. with the character of a sketch or outline.
ADUMBRATIVELYadumbratively adv. In an adumbrative manner.
ADUMBRATIVE adv. with the character of a sketch or outline.
PAPADUMpapadum n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
PAPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PAPADUMSpapadums n. Plural of papadum.
PAPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PAPPADUMpappadum n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
PAPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PAPPADUMSpappadums n. Plural of pappadum.
PAPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
POPADUMpopadum n. Uncommon spelling of papadam.
POPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
POPADUMSpopadums n. Plural of popadum.
POPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
POPPADUMpoppadum n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
POPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, PUPPODUM.
POPPADUMSpoppadums n. Plural of poppadum.
POPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, PUPPODUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 89 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 41 words

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