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There are 13 words containing ADOU

AMADOUamadou n. A spongy, flammable substance prepared from bracket fungi, formerly used as a styptic and as tinder.
AMADOU n. (French) a tinder made from fungi.
PADOUKpadouk n. Alternative form of padauk.
PADOUK n. (Burmese) a Burmese timber-tree, also PADAUK.
AMADOUSAMADOU n. (French) a tinder made from fungi.
PADOUKSPADOUK n. (Burmese) a Burmese timber-tree, also PADAUK.
READOUTreadout n. A display, particularly one that presents numerical data.
readout n. An account of the topics discussed in a meeting, especially in diplomatic or political contexts.
read-out n. The information, usually a measurement, displayed on a graduated scale.
READOUTSreadouts n. Plural of readout.
read-outs n. Plural of read-out.
READOUT n. a presentation of computer data.
VANADOUSvanadous adj. Of, pertaining to or containing vanadium, especially in an oxidation number of 4.
VANADOUS adj. pertaining to vanadium, also VANADIC.
PALLADOUSpalladous adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Relating to palladium with an oxidation number of 2.
PALLADOUS adj. containing palladium, a metallic element resembling platinum.
POMPADOURpompadour n. A women’s hairstyle in which the hair is swept upwards from the face and worn high over the forehead.
pompadour n. A men’s hairstyle of the 1950s.
pompadour n. A crimson or pink colour.
POMPADOURSpompadours n. Plural of pompadour.
POMPADOUR n. a hairstyle where the hair at the front is brushed up into a mound or a roll, above the forehead.
TROUBADOURtroubadour n. An itinerant composer and performer of songs in medieval Europe; a jongleur or travelling minstrel.
TROUBADOUR n. (French) any of a class of poet-musicians flourishing esp. in southern France and northern Italy during the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.
POMPADOUREDpompadoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of pompadour.
pompadoured adj. (Of a head of hair) Styled in a pompadour.
POMPADOURED adj. of hair, in the pompadour style.
TROUBADOURStroubadours n. Plural of troubadour.
TROUBADOUR n. (French) any of a class of poet-musicians flourishing esp. in southern France and northern Italy during the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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