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There are 10 words containing ADBE

BREADBERRIESBREADBERRY n. bread steeped in hot milk.
BREADBERRYbreadberry n. A sort of aleberry made with water instead of ale, formerly given to invalids.
BREADBERRY n. bread steeped in hot milk.
BROADBEANbroadbean n. Alternative form of broad bean.
broad␣bean n. An edible bean that has broad seeds, Vicia faba.
BROADBEAN n. a leguminous vegetable.
BROADBEANSbroadbeans n. Plural of broadbean.
broad␣beans n. Plural of broad bean.
BROADBEAN n. a leguminous vegetable.
DEADBEATdeadbeat n. (Derogatory) A lazy and/or irresponsible person who is often unemployed, often depending upon wealthy…
deadbeat n. A person who defaults on debts.
deadbeat adj. (Of an instrument) having a damped needle that stops without oscillation.
DEADBEATSdeadbeats n. Plural of deadbeat.
dead␣beats n. Plural of dead beat.
DEADBEAT n. one who is totally exhausted.
ROADBEDroadbed n. The prepared location for a road, including its foundation.
roadbed n. A trackbed.
ROADBED n. the foundation for a railroad track.
ROADBEDSroadbeds n. Plural of roadbed.
ROADBED n. the foundation for a railroad track.
SHADBERRIESshadberries n. Plural of shadberry.
SHADBERRY n. the edible fruit of the shadbush.
SHADBERRYshadberry n. Synonym of shadbush (“plant in the genus Amelanchier”).
shadberry n. The berry that grows on this plant.
SHADBERRY n. the edible fruit of the shadbush.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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