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There are 17 words containing ACUT

ACUTEacute adj. Brief, quick, short.
acute adj. High or shrill.
acute adj. Intense, sensitive, sharp.
ACUTERacuter adj. Comparative form of acute: more acute.
ACUTE adj. sharply pointed.
ACUTESacutes n. Plural of acute.
acutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acute.
ACUTE n. a type of accent mark.
ACUTELYacutely adv. In an acute manner.
ACUTELY adv. to a greater degree.
ACUTESTacutest adj. Superlative form of acute: most acute.
ACUTE adj. sharply pointed.
ACUTANCEacutance n. (Photography) Edge contrast in an image; a component of sharpness.
ACUTANCE n. a measure of photographic clarity.
PERACUTEperacute adj. Very sharp; very violent.
PERACUTE adj. violent.
SUBACUTEsubacute adj. (Pathology) Less than acute.
subacute adj. (Biology) Having a pointed tip, but with a broad or slightly rounded angle.
subacute n. (Medicine) A patient whose condition is less than acute.
ACUTANCESacutances n. Plural of acutance.
ACUTANCE n. a measure of photographic clarity.
ACUTENESSacuteness n. The quality of being acute or pointed.
acuteness n. (Of the senses or feelings) The faculty of precise discernment or perception; sensitiveness.
acuteness n. Shrillness; high pitch; – said of sounds.
HYPERACUTEhyperacute adj. (Medicine) Very acute.
hyperacute adj. (Medicine, of T waves on ECGs) Tall-amplitude and asymmetrically peaked, often as an early finding in…
HYPERACUTE adj. excessively acute.
SUBACUTELYsubacutely adv. In a subacute way.
SUBACUTE adv. somewhat acute.
SUPERACUTEsuperacute adj. (Medicine) Highly acute.
SUPERACUTE adj. exceptionally acute.
ACUTENESSESacutenesses n. Plural of acuteness.
ACUTENESS n. the state of being acute.
HYPERACUTENESShyperacuteness n. The quality of being hyperacute.
HYPERACUTE n. excessively acute.
INTRACUTANEOUSintracutaneous adj. Within the layers of the skin; intradermal.
INTRACUTANEOUS adj. within the skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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