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There are 16 words containing ACUP

TEACUPteacup n. A small cup, usually with a handle, commonly used for drinking tea; normally sits in a saucer as part of a tea set.
teacup n. A unit of measure; a teacupful.
teacup adj. Of an animal, smaller than average.
TEACUPSteacups n. Plural of teacup.
tea-cups n. Plural of tea-cup.
tea␣cups n. Plural of tea cup.
ACUPOINTacupoint n. (Alternative medicine) A specific point on the body where acupuncture or acupressure is applied.
ACUPOINT n. an acupuncture site.
ACUPOINTSacupoints n. Plural of acupoint.
ACUPOINT n. an acupuncture site.
TEACUPFULteacupful n. A unit of measure, the capacity or volume of a teacup.
TEACUPFUL n. enough to fill a teacup.
TEACUPFULSteacupfuls n. Plural of teacupful.
TEACUPFUL n. enough to fill a teacup.
TEACUPSFULteacupsful n. Plural of teacupful.
TEACUPFUL n. enough to fill a teacup.
ACUPRESSUREacupressure n. (Uncountable) An alternative medicine technique, derived from acupuncture, in which physical pressure…
acupressure n. (Countable) An act or instance of applying an acupressure technique.
acupressure n. (Dated) A mode of arresting hemorrhage resulting from wounds or surgical operations, by passing under…
ACUPUNCTUREacupuncture n. The insertion of needles into the (living) tissue of the body, especially for purposes of pain relief.
acupuncture v. (Transitive) To treat with acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURE n. the complementary therapy of puncturing the skin with needles at specified points in order to cure illness.
ACUPRESSURESacupressures n. Plural of acupressure.
ACUPRESSURE n. the application of pressure to discrete points on the body for therapeutic effects.
ACUPUNCTURALacupunctural adj. Relating to acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURAL adj. relating to acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURESacupunctures n. Plural of acupuncture.
acupunctures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURE n. the complementary therapy of puncturing the skin with needles at specified points in order to cure illness.
ACUPUNCTURINGacupuncturing v. Present participle of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURISTacupuncturist n. A healthcare professional who is qualified or professionally engaged in the practice of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURIST n. one who practices acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURINGSSorry, definition not available.
ACUPUNCTURISTSacupuncturists n. Plural of acupuncturist.
ACUPUNCTURIST n. one who practices acupuncture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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