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There are 15 words containing ACKY

CACKYcacky adj. (UK, slang) Characterized by or pertaining to excrement.
cacky adj. (UK, slang, vulgar) Worthless or no-good; rubbishy.
cacky adj. Misspelling of khaki.
JACKYjacky n. (Slang, derogatory) A sailor.
jacky n. (UK, dialect, archaic) English gin.
Jacky prop.n. A nickname used instead of the male given name Jack, Jacques (and its cognates) or John.
TACKYtacky adj. Of a substance, slightly sticky.
tacky adj. (Colloquial) Of low quality.
tacky adj. (Colloquial) In poor taste.
WACKYwacky adj. Zany; eccentric.
wacky n. Alternative form of wacke.
WACKY adj. eccentric, also WHACKY.
CRACKYcracky adj. Having lots of cracks.
cracky adj. (Slang) crazy, mad.
cracky adj. (Slang) Resembling or characterised by crack cocaine; addicted to crack.
KNACKYknacky adj. (UK, dialect) Having a knack; cunning; crafty.
KNACKY adj. cunning, also KNACKISH.
QUACKYquacky adj. (Of a voice or sound) That resembles the quack of a duck.
quacky adj. Fraudulent; characterised by or using the methods of quackery.
quacky adj. (US, of land or a crop) Infested with quackgrass.
SHACKYshacky adj. Run-down, like a shack.
SHACKY adj. dilapidated.
SNACKYsnacky adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of a snack; suitable as a snack.
SNACKY adj. suitable as a light meal.
WHACKYwhacky adj. Alternative spelling of wacky.
WHACKY adj. eccentric, also WACKY.
KOLACKYkolacky n. Alternative form of kolache.
KOLACKY n. a kind of pastry, a rich, sweet bun with fruit or poppy-seed filling.
BACKYARDbackyard n. (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US) A yard to the rear of a house or similar residence.
backyard n. (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US, colloquial) A person’s neighborhood, or an area nearby to a person’s…
backyard n. (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US, colloquial) An area nearby to a country or other jurisdiction’s…
BACKYARDSbackyards n. Plural of backyard.
back␣yards n. Plural of back yard.
BACKYARD n. the area at the rear of a house.
STACKYARDstackyard n. A farmyard in which stacks of hay etc. are stored.
STACKYARD n. a yard or inclosure for stacks of hay or grain.
STACKYARDSstackyards n. Plural of stackyard.
STACKYARD n. a yard or inclosure for stacks of hay or grain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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