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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing AXIA

ATARAXIASataraxias n. Plural of ataraxia.
ATARAXIA n. peace of mind, also ATARAXY.
BIAXIALLYbiaxially adv. In a biaxial fashion; along two axes.
BIAXIAL adv. having two axes, also BIAXAL.
COAXIALLYcoaxially adv. With a common central axis.
COAXIAL adv. having a common axis, also COAXAL.
DYSPRAXIAdyspraxia n. (Medicine) A genetic neurological disorder where a person has motor skills severely below average due…
DYSPRAXIA n. an impaired ability to perform deliberate actions.
DYSTAXIASDYSTAXIA n. a form of muscular tremor.
EPITAXIALepitaxial adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing epitaxy.
EPITAXIAL adj. relating to epitaxy, the growth of a thin layer of crystals on another crystal so that they have the same structure, also EPITAXIC.
POLYAXIALpolyaxial adj. Having more than one axis.
polyaxial adj. (Botany) Axial about more than one axis.
POLYAXIAL n. a shape having many axes or several axis cylinders.
POSTAXIALpostaxial adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal; caudal; posterior.
POSTAXIAL adj. situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal.
TAXIARCHStaxiarchs n. Plural of taxiarch.
TAXIARCH n. an Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
TRIAXIALSTRIAXIAL n. a sponge spicule with three axes, also TRIAXON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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