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There are 20 nine-letter words containing AVOR

CAVORTERScavorters n. Plural of cavorter.
CAVORTER n. one who cavorts.
CAVORTINGcavorting v. Present participle of cavort.
cavorting n. The action of the verb to cavort.
CAVORTING n. the act of prancing about.
DISFAVORSdisfavors n. Plural of disfavor.
DISFAVOR v. to regard with disapproval, also DISFAVOUR.
ENDEAVORSendeavors n. Plural of endeavor.
endeavors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of endeavor.
ENDEAVOR v. to strive or attempt.
FAVORABLEfavorable adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of favourable.
FAVORABLE adj. (US) favourable, also FAVOURABLE.
FAVORABLYfavorably adv. In a favorable manner.
FAVORABLE adv. (US) favourable, also FAVOURABLE.
FAVORITESfavorites n. Plural of favorite.
Favorites prop.n. Plural of Favorite.
FAVORITE n. (US) favourite, a person or thing preferred.
FAVORLESSfavorless adj. Alternative form of favourless.
FAVORLESS adj. (US) without favor, also FAVOURLESS.
FLAVORERSflavorers n. Plural of flavorer.
FLAVORER n. one that flavors, also FLAVOURER.
FLAVORFULflavorful adj. Full of flavor.
FLAVORFUL adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURFUL.
FLAVORIERFLAVORY adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURY.
FLAVORINGflavoring n. (American spelling) Something that gives flavor, usually a food ingredient.
flavoring v. Present participle of flavor.
FLAVORING n. something that adds flavor.
FLAVORISTflavorist n. A scientist who develops flavors.
FLAVORIST n. a person who creates flavourings for drinks, perfumes, etc., also FLAVOURIST.
FLAVOROUSflavorous adj. Having flavour; flavorsome.
FLAVOROUS adj. full of flavor.
LOCAVORESlocavores n. Plural of locavore.
LOCAVORE n. a person who will eat only food produced locally.
OUTSAVORSOUTSAVOR v. (US) to surpass in savor, also OUTSAVOUR.
OVERFAVORoverfavor v. (Transitive) To favor excessively; to treat with undue preference.
OVERFAVOR v. to favor excessively.
SAVORIESTsavoriest adj. Superlative form of savory: most savory.
SAVORY adj. (US) savoury.
SAVORLESSsavorless adj. Not having taste; flavorless.
SAVORLESS adj. without savor, also SAVOURLESS.
UNFAVOREDunfavored adj. Not favoured.
UNFAVORED adj. not favored, also UNFAVOURED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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