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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing ATHA

AGNATHANSagnathans n. Plural of agnathan.
AGNATHAN n. any of a family of eellike fishes, including the lamprey.
APATHATONAPATHATON n. (Shakespeare) an epitheton, an epithet, also EPITHET, EPITHETON.
CATHARISEcatharise v. Alternative form of catharize.
CATHARISE v. to render absolutely clean; to purge, also CATHARIZE.
CATHARIZEcatharize v. To clean or purify thoroughly.
CATHARIZE v. to render absolutely clean; to purge, also CATHARISE.
CATHARSEScatharses n. Plural of catharsis.
CATHARSIS n. (Greek) a natural or artificial purgation of any passage, as of the mouth, bowels, etc., also KATHARSIS.
CATHARSIScatharsis n. (Drama) A release of emotional tension after an overwhelming vicarious experience, resulting in the…
catharsis n. Any release of emotional tension to the same effect, more widely.
catharsis n. A purification or cleansing, especially emotional.
CATHARTICcathartic adj. Purgative; inducing mental or physical catharsis.
cathartic adj. That which releases emotional tension, especially after an overwhelming experience.
cathartic n. (Medicine) A laxative.
KATHAKALIkathakali n. A spectacular lyric dance drama of southern India performed with acrobatic energy and highly stylized pantomime.
KATHAKALI n. (Malayalam) a highly stylized form of South Indian drama, using dance and mime.
KATHARSESKATHARSIS n. (Greek) a natural or artificial purgation of any passage, as of the mouth, bowels, etc., also CATHARSIS.
KATHARSISkatharsis n. Alternative form of catharsis.
KATHARSIS n. (Greek) a natural or artificial purgation of any passage, as of the mouth, bowels, etc., also CATHARSIS.
LEVIATHANleviathan n. (Biblical, mythology) A vast sea monster of tremendous strength, described as the most powerful and…
leviathan n. (Figuratively) Something monstrously large or mighty in size, strength, wealth, etc.
leviathan n. (Political science, sometimes capitalized) The political state, especially a domineering and totalitarian…
MARANATHAMARANATHA n. a curse or excommunication.
SWATHABLESWATHABLE adj. that can be swathed, also SWATHEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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