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There are 14 nine-letter words containing ASIA

ACHALASIAachalasia n. (Medicine) A neuromuscular condition where a ring of muscles is unable to relax fully, causing obstruction…
ACHALASIA n. (Greek) failure of the muscles of the lower part of the oesophagus to relax, which prevents food from passing into the stomach.
ALOCASIASalocasias n. Plural of alocasia.
ALOCASIA n. any of various tropical plants of the genus Alocasia.
ANAPLASIAanaplasia n. (Biology) A reversion of differentiation in cells that is characteristic of malignancy in tumours.
ANAPLASIA n. reversion of plant or animal cells to a simpler form.
APHASIACSaphasiacs n. Plural of aphasiac.
APHASIAC n. one suffering from aphasia, the inability to use or comprehend words, also APHASIC.
DICHASIALdichasial adj. Relating to a dichasium.
DICHASIAL adj. relating to a dichasium, a flower cluster.
DYSCRASIAdyscrasia n. (Ancient usage) Imbalance of the four bodily humors (blood, black and yellow bile, phlegm) that was…
dyscrasia n. (Modern usage) Any bodily disorder, especially regarding the blood.
DYSCRASIA n. (obsolete) a disordered condition of the body attributed originally to unsuitable mixing of the body fluids or humours.
DYSPHASIAdysphasia n. (Pathology) Loss of or deficiency in the power to use or understand language as a result of injury or…
DYSPHASIA n. impairment of speech coordination, due to brain disease or injury.
DYSPLASIAdysplasia n. (Pathology) Abnormal development of cells or tissue, often a precancerous stage of growth.
DYSPLASIA n. abnormal tissue development.
EUPHRASIAeuphrasia n. Any of many flowering plants of the genus Euphrasia.
EUPHRASIA n. eyebright, a plant once used to treat disorders of the eyes, also EUPHRASY.
FANTASIASfantasias n. Plural of fantasia.
Fantasias prop.n. Plural of Fantasia.
FANTASIA n. a musical or other composition not governed by the ordinary rules of form, also FANTASIE.
GYMNASIALgymnasial adj. Of or pertaining to an academic gymnasium.
GYMNASIAL adj. relating to a gymnasium, also GYMNASIC.
MALVASIANMALVASIAN adj. relating to malvasia, a type of grape used to make malmsey.
MALVASIASmalvasias n. Plural of malvasia.
MALVASIA n. a type of grape from which malmsey is made.
NEOPLASIAneoplasia n. (Biology) The formation of new tissue.
neoplasia n. (Medicine) The formation of a neoplasm.
NEOPLASIA n. the formation or presence of a morbid growth of tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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