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There are 16 nine-letter words containing ALMA

ALMAGESTSalmagests n. Plural of almagest.
ALMAGEST n. (Arabic) a medieval treatise on astrology and alchemy.
ALMANACKSalmanacks n. Plural of almanack.
ALMANACK n. a register of the days, weeks and months of the year, also ALMANAC.
ALMANDINEalmandine n. (Mineralogy) A type of garnet having a deep red color, inclining to purple, with the chemical formula…
ALMANDINE n. (French) a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALABANDINE, ALMANDITE, ALMONDITE.
ALMANDITEalmandite n. (Mineralogy) almandine.
ALMANDITE n. a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALABANDINE, ALMANDINE, ALMONDITE.
BALMACAANbalmacaan n. A loose overcoat of a certain type, with raglan sleeves and a Prussian collar.
BALMACAAN n. a man's loose overcoat with raglan sleeves.
CALMATIVEcalmative adj. Calming.
calmative n. A drug with calming effects.
CALMATIVE adj. having a calming effect.
DALMAHOYSDalmahoys n. Plural of Dalmahoy.
DALMAHOY n. (historical) a bushy bobwig worn in the 18th century.
DALMATIANdalmatian n. Alternative spelling of Dalmatian.
Dalmatian adj. Relating to Dalmatia or its people.
Dalmatian n. One of a breed of dog with a short, white coat with dark spots.
DALMATICSdalmatics n. Plural of dalmatic.
Dalmatics n. Plural of Dalmatic.
DALMATIC n. an ecclesiastical robe or other outer vestment.
DEALMAKERdealmaker n. One who makes or brokers business or political transactions.
deal-maker n. Alternative spelling of dealmaker.
DEALMAKER n. a person who makes deals, especially commercial deals.
METALMARKmetalmark n. Any butterfly of the family Riodinidae.
METALMARK n. one of a family of tropical butterflies.
PALMARIANpalmarian adj. (Archaic, formal) palmary; superior.
PALMARIAN adj. worthy of the ceremonial palm; preeminent, also PALMARY.
PALMATELYpalmately adv. In a palmate fashion.
PALMATE adv. resembling an open hand, also PALMATED.
PALMATIONpalmation n. (Uncountable) The quality of being palmate.
palmation n. (Countable) A palmate structure.
PALMATION n. all or part of a palmate structure.
ROYALMASTroyal␣mast n. (Nautical) The fourth and highest part of the mast from the deck, commonly made in one piece with the topgallant mast.
ROYALMAST n. the highest part of a mast.
SIGNALMANsignalman n. Somebody employed to operate the signals and points of a railway.
signalman n. A member of the armed forces responsible for signalling.
signalman n. Somebody employed to direct rigging or crane operations by providing a different point of view.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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