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There are 14 nine-letter words containing ACTA

ENACTABLEenactable adj. Capable of being enacted.
ENACTABLE adj. that can be enacted.
EXACTABLEexactable adj. Having the capability of being exacted.
EXACTABLE adj. that can be exacted.
JACTATIONjactation n. A tossing or shaking of the body; physical agitation, especially while asleep or confined to bed by…
jactation n. The action of throwing.
jactation n. Boasting; bragging; showing off.
LACTARIANlactarian n. A lactovegetarian.
LACTARIAN n. a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products.
LACTATINGlactating v. Present participle of lactate.
LACTATE v. to secrete milk.
LACTATIONlactation n. The secretion of milk#Noun from the mammary gland of a female mammal.
lactation n. The process of providing the milk to the young; breastfeeding.
lactation n. The period of time that a mother lactates to feed her young; lactation period.
MACTATIONmactation n. (Archaic) The act of killing a victim for sacrifice.
MACTATION n. the killing or slaughter esp. of a sacrificial victim.
REACTANCEreactance n. (Physics, electrics) The opposition to the change in flow of current in an alternating current circuit…
reactance n. A similar effect in magnetism.
reactance n. (Psychology) An emotional reaction in direct contradiction to rules or regulations that threaten or…
REACTANTSreactants n. Plural of reactant.
REACTANT n. a substance taking part in a reaction.
TRACTABLEtractable adj. (Of people) Capable of being easily led, taught, or managed.
tractable adj. (Of a problem) Easy to deal with or manage.
tractable adj. Capable of being shaped; malleable.
TRACTABLYtractably adv. In a tractable manner; with compliance or docility.
TRACTABLE adv. docile, easily managed.
TRACTATEStractates n. Plural of tractate.
TRACTATE n. a formal, systematic, written account of a subject, also TREATISE.
TRACTATORtractator n. (Historical) In medieval commerce, the person who handles or transports merchandise on behalf of an…
tractator n. A person who writes tracts.
tractator n. A Tractarian.
UNACTABLEunactable adj. Impossible to act.
UNACTABLE adj. that cannot be acted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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