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There are 16 eight-letter words containing AURI

AURICLEDauricled adj. (Botany) auriculate.
AURICLED adj. having ear-shaped appendages or lobes.
AURICLESauricles n. Plural of auricle.
AURICLE n. the outer projecting part of the ear; an upper cavity of the heart.
AURICULAauricula n. (Anatomy) The external part of the ear.
auricula n. (Anatomy) A small conical pouch projecting from either atrium of the heart.
auricula n. (Palynology) A pronounced thickening at the corner of a trilete spore, beyond the end of the laesura.
AURIFIEDaurified v. Simple past tense and past participle of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
AURIFIESaurifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
AURIFORMauriform adj. Having the form of the human ear; ear-shaped.
AURIFORM adj. ear shaped.
GLAURIERGLAURY adj. (Scots) miry.
HAURIANThauriant adj. (Heraldry) Of a fish, etc.: in a vertical orientation, with its head up (to chief) and tail down (to base).
HAURIANT adj. in heraldry, with head up, as rising to the surface to breathe, also HAURIENT.
HAURIENThaurient adj. Alternative spelling of hauriant.
HAURIENT adj. in heraldry, with head up, as rising to the surface to breathe, also HAURIANT.
RAURIKISRAURIKI n. (Maori) sow-thistle.
SAURIANSsaurians n. Plural of saurian.
SAURIAN n. any of a suborder of reptiles.
SCAURIESscauries n. Plural of scaurie.
SCAURY n. (Old Norse) in the Orkneys, a young gull, also SCOURIE, SCOWRIE.
SCAURINGSCAUR v. (Scots) to scare, also SCARRE.
TAURINEStaurines n. Plural of taurine.
TAURINE n. a crystalline compound occurring in invertebrates.
THESAURIthesauri n. Plural of thesaurus.
THESAURUS n. (Latin) a storehouse of knowledge; a dictionary of synonyms.
VAURIENSvauriens n. Plural of vaurien.
VAURIEN n. (French) a good-for-nothing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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