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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing ATHI

APATHIESapathies n. Plural of apathy.
APATHY n. indifference.
BATHINGSbathings n. Plural of bathing.
BATHING n. the act of taking a bath.
BEATHINGbeathing v. Present participle of beath.
be␣a␣thing v. (Stative, colloquial) to exist, or to be available, widespread, possible, or a common practice.
BEATH v. (Spenser) to bathe, heat, also BATHE.
CATHISMAcathisma n. (Christianity) A portion of the psalter; a troparion or short hymn used as a response.
CATHISMA n. (Greek) a short hymn used as a response.
CYATHIUMcyathium n. One of the specialised pseudanthia ("false flowers"), surrounded by involucral bracts, especially those…
CYATHIUM n. (Latin) the characteristic inflorescence of the spurges.
DEATHIERDEATHY adj. like death.
EMPATHICempathic adj. Showing or expressing empathy.
empathic adj. (Science fiction) Of, pertaining to, or being an empath: of or having the capability of sensing the…
EMPATHIC adj. involving or showing empathy, also EMPATHETIC.
GNATHIONgnathion n. A craniometric point, being the lowest part of the middle line of the mandible.
GNATHION n. (Greek) the tip of the chin.
GNATHITEgnathite n. (Zoology) Any of the mouth appendages of the Arthropoda.
GNATHITE n. a jawlike appendage of an insect.
HEATHIERheathier adj. Comparative form of heathy: more heathy.
HEATHY adj. abounding in heath.
LATHIESTlathiest adj. Superlative form of lathy: most lathy.
LATHY adj. like a lath; long and slender.
LATHINGSlathings n. Plural of lathing.
LATHING n. work made by using laths, also LATHWORK.
LOATHINGloathing n. Sense of revulsion, distaste, detestation, extreme hatred or dislike.
loathing v. Present participle of loathe.
loathing v. (Obsolete) present participle of loath.
SCATHINGscathing v. Present participle of scathe.
scathing adj. Harshly or bitterly critical; vitriolic.
scathing adj. Harmful or painful; acerbic.
SWATHIERSWATHY adj. in swathes.
SWATHINGswathing v. Present participle of swathe.
swathing n. A wrapping.
SWATHING n. a wrapping.
WRATHIERwrathier adj. Comparative form of wrathy: more wrathy.
WRATHY adj. inclined to wrath.
WRATHILYwrathily adv. (Colloquial, archaic) In a wrathy manner; with great anger.
WRATHY adv. inclined to wrath.
WRATHINGwrathing v. Present participle of wrath.
WRATH v. (obsolete) to make or become angry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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