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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing ASAL

ABOMASALabomasal adj. Belonging to or involving the abomasum.
ABOMASAL adj. relating to the abomasum, the fourth of the four stomachs of a ruminant.
BASALTESbasaltes n. Plural of basalte.
BASALTES n. (Latin) unglazed stoneware.
BASALTICbasaltic adj. Of or pertaining to basalt.
BASALTIC adj. relating to basalt.
GASALIERgasalier n. A gas-powered chandelier.
GASALIER n. a gaslight chandelier, also GASELIER, GASOLIER.
NASALISEnasalise v. Alternative spelling of nasalize.
NASALISE v. to produce sounds nasally, also NASALIZE.
NASALISMnasalism n. A nasal sound in speech.
NASALISM n. making nasal sounds.
NASALITYnasality n. The state or quality of being nasal.
NASALITY n. an instance of being produced nasally.
NASALIZEnasalize v. To speak through the nose.
nasalize v. To make a nasal sound when speaking.
nasalize v. (Phonetics) To lower the soft palate so that air flows through the nose during the articulation of a speech sound.
NONNASALnonnasal adj. Not nasal.
nonnasal n. (Phonetics) A sound that is not nasal.
NONNASAL adj. not nasal.
ORINASALorinasal adj. Alternative form of oronasal.
ORINASAL adj. of or relating to the mouth and nose, also ORONASAL.
ORINASAL n. a sound pronounced through both the mouth and nose.
ORONASALoronasal adj. Of or pertaining to the mouth and the nose.
ORONASAL adj. of or relating to the mouth and nose, also ORINASAL.
PREBASALprebasal adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the base.
PREBASAL adj. situated in front of a base.
PRENASALprenasal adj. (Anatomy) Situated in front of the nose, or in front of the nasal chambers.
prenasal n. The anterior half of a divided nasal scale.
PRENASAL adj. situated in front of the nose, or in front of the nasal chambers.
SUBBASALsubbasal adj. (Zoology) Near the base.
SUBBASAL adj. below the base.
SUBNASALsubnasal adj. Located under the nose.
subnasal n. A scale located below the nasal scale.
SUBNASAL adj. situated under the nose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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