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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing ARPA

BEARPAWSBEARPAW n. the paw of a bear.
CARPALESCARPALE n. (Greek) a bone in the wrist, also CARPAL.
CARPALIAcarpalia n. Plural of carpale.
CARPALE n. (Greek) a bone in the wrist, also CARPAL.
CHARPAIScharpais n. Plural of charpai.
CHARPAI n. (Urdu) a string framed bed, also CHARPOY.
PARPANESPARPANE n. a stone passing through a wall from face to face, also PARPEN, PARPEND, PARPENT, PARPOINT, PERPENT.
SARPANCHsarpanch n. The elected head of a panchayat (village government) in Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan.
SARPANCH n. (Hindi) the head of an Indian village.
SCARPAEDSCARPA v. to run away, leave without notice, also SCAPA, SCARPER.
TARPAPERtarpaper n. A heavy paper, coated with tar, used to waterproof walls and roofs.
tar␣paper n. Alternative spelling of tarpaper.
TARPAPER n. a heavy paper coated with tar.
WARPAGESwarpages n. Plural of warpage.
WARPAGE n. the act of warping.
WARPAINTwarpaint n. Alternative spelling of war paint.
war-paint n. Alternative spelling of war paint.
war␣paint n. Pigments ritually applied to the face and/or body (originally and still especially of a Native American…
WARPATHSwarpaths n. Plural of warpath.
WARPATH n. the path followed on a military expedition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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