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There are 16 eight-letter words containing AROS

AGAROSESagaroses n. Plural of agarose.
AGAROSE n. a sugar obtained from agar.
BAROSAURBAROSAUR n. a large dinosaur.
BAROSTATbarostat n. A device used to maintain a constant (atmospheric) pressure.
BAROSTAT n. an automatic device for regulating pressure, e.g. in an aircraft.
CHAROSETcharoset n. Alternative form of haroseth.
CHAROSET n. (Hebrew) a condiment of chopped apples, walnuts, and wine, also CHAROSETH, HAROSET, HAROSETH.
HAFTAROSHaftaros n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAROSETHharoseth n. (Judaism) A paste made of fruits and nuts eaten at Passover, representing the mortar mixed by the Israelites…
HAROSETH n. (Hebrew) a condiment of chopped apples, walnuts, and wine; recalls mortar made by Hebrew slaves in Egypt, also CHAROSET, CHAROSETH, HAROSET.
HAROSETSharosets n. Plural of haroset.
HAROSET n. (Hebrew) a condiment of chopped apples, walnuts, and wine; recalls mortar made by Hebrew slaves in Egypt, also CHAROSET, CHAROSETH, HAROSETH.
JAROSITEjarosite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with rhombohedral crystals, KFe33+(SO4)2(OH)6.
JAROSITE n. a sulphate of potassium and iron occurring as yellow or brown crusts on ferruginous ores.
KAROSHISKAROSHI n. (Japanese) death caused by overwork.
KAROSSESkarosses n. Plural of kaross.
KAROSS n. (South African) a South African garment of animal skins.
PAROSMIAparosmia n. (Pathology) A distorted sense of smell, often resulting in the apparent detection of non-existent smells…
PAROSMIA n. a distortion of the sense of smell.
PHAROSESpharoses n. Plural of pharos.
PHAROS n. (Greek) a lighthouse or beacon, also PHARE.
SAGUAROSsaguaros n. Plural of saguaro.
SAGUARO n. (Spanish) a giant cactus, that bears white flowers and a scaly reddish edible fruit, also SAHUARO.
SAHUAROSsahuaros n. Plural of sahuaro.
SAHUARO n. (Spanish) a giant cactus, that bears white flowers and a scaly reddish edible fruit, also SAGUARO.
STAROSTAstarosta n. Alternative form of starost.
STAROSTA n. (Russian) a village headman; a Polish noble holding a starosty or domain bestowed by the crown.
STAROSTYstarosty n. In Poland, a castle and domain conferred on a nobleman for life.
STAROSTY n. (Russian) a domain bestowed by the crown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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