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There are 20 eight-letter words containing ARNE

BARNEYEDbarneyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of barney.
BARNEY v. to quarrel loudly.
BLARNEYSblarneys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blarney.
BLARNEY v. to cajole, flatter.
CARNEOUScarneous adj. (Archaic) Consisting of, or like, flesh; fleshy.
CARNEOUS adj. fleshy; of or like flesh, also CARNOSE.
CARNEYEDcarneyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of carney.
CARNEY v. to coax, also CARNY.
CHARNECOcharneco n. (Obsolete) A sort of sweet wine.
CHARNECO n. (Shakespeare) a kind of sweet wine.
CHARNELScharnels n. Plural of charnel.
CHARNEL n. a room where corpses are placed.
DARNEDERdarneder adj. (Uncommon) Comparative form of darned: more darned, euphemistic for damneder.
DARNED adj. bothersome.
DEARNESSdearness n. The quality of having great value or price.
DEARNESS n. the state of being dear.
EARNESTSearnests n. Plural of earnest.
EARNEST n. a pledge of good intent.
FARNESOLfarnesol n. (Organic chemistry) A sesquiterpene alcohol that is present in many essential oils and is involved in…
FARNESOL n. (Italian) an alcohol found in various essential oils and used in perfumery.
GARNEREDgarnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of garner.
GARNER v. to gather and store.
LEARNERSlearners n. Plural of learner.
LEARNER n. one that learns.
LUCARNESlucarnes n. Plural of lucarne.
LUCARNE n. (French) a dormer window.
NEARNESSnearness n. The state of being near; closeness; intimacy.
nearness n. Stinginess.
NEARNESS n. the state of being near.
REEARNEDreearned v. Simple past tense and past participle of reearn.
re-earned v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-earn.
REEARN v. to earn again.
SEARNESSSEARNESS n. the state of being dry and withered.
UNEARNEDunearned adj. Not earned.
UNEARNED adj. not earned.
UNWARNEDunwarned adj. Not warned.
UNWARNED adj. not warned.
YEARNERSyearners n. Plural of yearner.
YEARNER n. one who yearns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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