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There are 14 eight-letter words containing ARGA

BARGAINSbargains n. Plural of bargain.
bargains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bargain.
BARGAIN v. to haggle over costs.
BOTTARGAbottarga n. A Mediterranean dish of cured fish roe.
BOTTARGA n. (Italian) a relish made of mullet or tunny roe, also BOTARGO.
GARGANEYgarganey n. A small dabbling duck, Anas querquedula, that breeds in much of Europe and western Asia, and winters in Africa.
GARGANEY n. (Italian) a kind of teal.
LARGANDOlargando adv. (Music) (To be played) gradually slower and broader.
LARGANDO adj. (Italian) becoming gradually slower (music).
MARGARICmargaric adj. Pertaining to pearl or pearls (rare except in the designation of margaric acid).
MARGARIC adj. pearl-like, also MARGARITIC.
MARGARINmargarin n. Archaic form of margarine.
MARGARIN n. a butter substitute.
MARGATESmargates n. Plural of margate.
MARGATE n. a tropical fish.
PARGANASparganas n. Plural of pargana.
PARGANA n. (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India, also PERGUNNAH.
SARGASSASARGASSUM n. (Latin) a genus of algae including the gulfweed, also SARGASSO.
SARGASSOsargasso n. A brown alga, of the genus Sargassum, that forms large, floating masses.
sargasso n. (Figuratively) Also Sargasso: a confused, tangled mass or situation.
sargasso n. (Biology, oceanography) A part of an ocean or sea characterized by floating masses of sargassos, like…
STARGAZEstargaze v. To look at the stars at night.
stargaze v. (Figuratively) To gaze engrossed with emotion or contemplatively.
STARGAZE v. to gaze at the stars.
WARGAMEDwargamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wargame.
war␣gamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of war game.
WARGAME v. to engage in simulated military conflicts.
WARGAMERwargamer n. A player of war games.
WARGAMER n. one who practises wargaming.
WARGAMESwargames n. Plural of wargame.
war␣games n. Plural of war game.
WARGAME v. to engage in simulated military conflicts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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