ANASARCA | • anasarca n. (Medicine) Severe generalised oedema. • ANASARCA n. (Greek) dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue. |
ARCADIAN | • arcadian adj. Pertaining to an arcade. • arcadian adj. Furnished with arcades. • arcadian adj. (Literature) Ideally rustic or pastoral. |
ARCADIAS | • arcadias n. Plural of arcadia. • ARCADIA n. (Latin) an ideal region of rural contentment. |
ARCADING | • arcading n. (Countable, architecture) An arrangement of arcades. • arcading n. (Uncountable, video games) The playing of arcade games. • ARCADING n. shops in an arcade. |
ARCANELY | • arcanely adv. In an arcane way. • ARCANE adv. mysterious. |
ARCANIST | • arcanist n. (Historical) A craftsman who has knowledge of a manufacturing secret (specifically in the area of porcelain… • arcanist n. A person who studies arcana or religious mysteries. • ARCANIST n. a person knowing secrets of manufacture. |
ARCANUMS | • arcanums n. Plural of arcanum. • ARCANUM n. (Latin) a secret; a mystery. |
ARCATURE | • arcature n. (Architecture) A small arched passageway. • ARCATURE n. a small or blind arcade. |
BEARCATS | • bearcats n. Plural of bearcat. • bear␣cats n. Plural of bear cat. • BEARCAT n. the lesser panda. |
CARCAJOU | • carcajou n. Synonym of wolverine (a solitary, fierce member of the weasel family). • CARCAJOU n. a musteline animal, aka glutton or wolverine. |
CARCAKES | • carcakes n. Plural of carcake. • CARCAKE n. (Scots) a small cake baked with eggs, eaten on Shrove Tuesday in parts of Scotland. |
CARCANET | • carcanet n. (Archaic) A richly decorative collar. • CARCANET n. (obsolete) an ornamental necklace, collar or headband. |
CARCASED | • CARCASE v. to put a carcase or frame on, also CARCASS. |
CARCASES | • carcases n. Plural of carcase. • CARCASE v. to put a carcase or frame on, also CARCASS. |
GEARCASE | • gearcase n. Alternative form of gear case. • gear␣case n. An enclosure for the bicycle chain and sprocket assemblages commonly employed by utility bicycles. It… • GEARCASE n. a casing for gears. |
MARCATOS | • MARCATO n. a musical passage with strong accentuation. |
SARCASMS | • sarcasms n. Plural of sarcasm. • SARCASM n. a sharply mocking or contemptuous remark. |