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There are 18 eight-letter words containing AQUA

AQUACADEaquacade n. An entertainment consisting of swimmers and divers performing to music.
AQUACADE n. an exhibition of swimming and diving skills.
AQUAFABAaquafaba n. (Cooking, neologism) The liquid left over from boiling chickpeas or similar beans, or from a can of chickpeas.
AQUAFABA n. water in which pulses, esp chickpeas, have been cooked, used in vegan cookery as a substitute for egg whites.
AQUAFARMaquafarm n. (Agriculture) A facility where aquaculture is carried out.
AQUAFARM v. to cultivate food fish.
AQUAFERSaquafers n. Plural of aquafer.
AQUAFER n. an underground reservoir of water which can be extracted for surface use, also AQUIFER.
AQUAFITSAQUAFIT n. a type of aerobic exercise performed in water.
AQUALUNGaqualung n. (Underwater diving) A piece of equipment consisting of an oxygen tank and breathing apparatus used by…
aqualung v. To scuba dive.
AQUALUNG n. diving apparatus.
AQUANAUTaquanaut n. An underwater explorer.
AQUANAUT n. a skin-diver; someone who explores and/or lives in the sea at considerable depth.
AQUARIALaquarial adj. Of or relating to an aquarium.
AQUARIAL adj. of or pertaining to an aquarium, also AQUARIAN.
AQUARIANaquarian adj. Of or relating to an aquarium.
aquarian n. A person who keeps an aquarium.
Aquarian adj. (Astrology) Of or pertaining to the astrological sign of Aquarius.
AQUARISTaquarist n. A person who maintains an aquarium.
AQUARIST n. a curator of an aquarium, also AQUARIIST.
AQUARIUMaquarium n. A tank, often made of glass, for keeping live fish or other aquatic animals.
aquarium n. A public place where live fish and other aquatic animals are exhibited.
AQUARIUM n. (Latin) a water filled museum for all forms of aquatic life.
AQUASHOWaquashow n. A spectacle consisting of underwater dance and gymnastics.
AQUASHOW n. an exhibition of swimming and diving.
AQUATICSaquatics n. Plural of aquatic.
aquatics n. Sports involving water.
AQUATIC n. an organism living in or near water.
AQUATINTaquatint n. A form of etching with acid on a plate partially covered with varnish that produces a print somewhat…
aquatint n. An etching or print made using this method.
aquatint v. To make such etchings.
AQUATONEaquatone n. An offset printing method utilizing a gelatin-coated zinc plate hardened and sensitized to print type…
aquatone n. A print produced by this method.
AQUATONE n. a type of printing process.
AQUAVITSaquavits n. Plural of aquavit.
AQUAVIT n. (Norwegian) a Scandinavian spirit made from potatoes or grain and flavoured with caraway seeds, also AKVAVIT.
PARAQUATparaquat n. (Chemistry) A poisonous yellow herbicide derived from bipyridine.
PARAQUAT n. (tradename) a herbicide that kills green vegetation by interfering with photosynthesis.
SEAQUAKEseaquake n. A hydrostatic pressure disturbance caused by an earthquake or volcano in the seabed.
SEAQUAKE n. an undersea earthquake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 88 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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