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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ANER

ANERGIASANERGIA n. lack of energy.
ANERGIESanergies n. Plural of anergy.
ANERGY n. the failure of the immune system; loss of energy, also ANERGIA.
ANEROIDSaneroids n. Plural of aneroid.
ANEROID n. a type of barometer.
BEMOANERbemoaner n. One who bemoans.
BEMOANER n. one who bemoans.
CAGANERSCAGANER n. a traditional character in Catalan Christmas scenes, a squatting defecating person.
CHICANERchicaner n. One who uses chicanery.
CHICANER n. a person who chicanes, a quibbler.
CLEANERScleaners n. Plural of cleaner.
cleaners n. A professional laundry or dry cleaner (business). (This form is now interpreted as plural and usually…
CLEANER n. one that cleans.
FLANERIEflânerie n. Idling about, dawdling about, loafing about.
FLANERIE n. (French) commendable idleness or aimless wandering.
GLEANERSgleaners n. Plural of gleaner.
GLEANER n. one who gleans, gathers after reapers.
GROANERSgroaners n. Plural of groaner.
GROANER n. one who groans.
HABANERAhabanera n. A style of music from Cuba.
habanera n. A dance performed to this music.
HABANERA n. (Spanish) a slow and seductive Cuban dance.
HABANEROhabanero n. An intensely spicy chili pepper, Capsicum chinense.
habañero n. Nonstandard spelling of habanero.
HABANERO n. (Spanish) a hot chili pepper.
LLANEROSllaneros n. Plural of llanero.
LLANERO n. (Spanish) an inhabitant of the llanos of South America.
MUNDANERmundaner adj. Comparative form of mundane: more mundane.
MUNDANE adj. ordinary, banal.
PROFANERprofaner n. One who profanes; a person who desecrates or defiles.
profaner adj. Comparative form of profane: more profane.
PROFANER n. one who profanes.
SYLVANERsylvaner n. A variety of white grape originally from central Europe.
sylvaner n. A white wine made from this grape.
SYLVANER n. (German) a German grape used in making white wine; the wine itself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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