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There are 19 eight-letter words containing AMIE

BEAMIESTbeamiest adj. Superlative form of beamy: most beamy.
BEAMY adj. radiant.
BELAMIESBELAMY n. (Spenser) a good friend.
BIGAMIESbigamies n. Plural of bigamy.
BIGAMY n. the crime of being married to two people at once.
CREAMIERcreamier adj. Comparative form of creamy: more creamy.
CREAMY adj. having the consistency of cream.
DIGAMIESdigamies n. Plural of digamy.
DIGAMY n. a second legal marriage.
DREAMIERdreamier adj. Comparative form of dreamy: more dreamy.
DREAMY adj. full of dreams.
FLAMIESTflamiest adj. Superlative form of flamy: most flamy.
FLAMY adj. flaming.
FOAMIESTfoamiest adj. Superlative form of foamy: most foamy.
FOAMY adj. covered with foam.
GLEAMIERgleamier adj. Comparative form of gleamy: more gleamy.
GLEAMY adj. gleaming.
GORAMIESgoramies n. Plural of goramy.
GORAMY n. (Malay) a large freshwater food fish of Asia, also GOURAMI, GURAMI.
INFAMIESinfamies n. Plural of infamy.
infamies n. Plural of infamie.
INFAMY n. the state of being infamous.
LOAMIESTloamiest adj. Superlative form of loamy: most loamy.
LOAMY adj. resembling loam.
OCCAMIESOCCAMY n. an alloy imitating gold or silver.
OOGAMIESOOGAMY n. the state of having dissimilar gametes.
REAMIESTREAMY adj. creamy, frothy.
RECAMIERrecamier n. An old-fashioned couch with headrest and footrest.
récamier n. Alternative form of recamier.
RECAMIER n. (French) a backless couch.
SEAMIESTseamiest adj. Superlative form of seamy: most seamy.
SEAMY adj. unpleasant.
STEAMIERsteamier adj. Comparative form of steamy: more steamy.
STEAMY adj. like steam.
STEAMIESsteamies n. Plural of steamie.
STEAMIE n. (Scots) a public laundry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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