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There are 15 eight-letter words containing ALAT

ALATIONSalations n. Plural of alation.
ALATION n. the state of having wings.
CALATHEAcalathea n. (Botany) Any of the genus Calathea of plants belonging to the family Marantaceae.
Calathea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Marantaceae.
CALATHEA n. a showy indoor plant.
CALATHOScalathos n. A basket-like ornament in Ancient Greek architecture.
CALATHOS n. (Greek) a vase-shaped Ancient Greek basket, carried on the head, also CALATHUS.
CALATHUScalathus n. (Historical) A vase-shaped basket made from reeds or twigs, used in Ancient Greece.
CALATHUS n. (Latin) a vase-shaped Ancient Greek basket, carried on the head, also CALATHOS.
DEALATEDdealated adj. (Entomology) Having shed or lost its wings, usually in the normal course of its life cycle.
DEALATED adj. without wings.
DEALATESdealates n. Plural of dealate.
DEALATE n. an insect divested of its wings.
ESCALATEescalate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To increase (something) in extent or intensity; to intensify or step up.
escalate v. (Transitive) In technical support, to transfer a customer, a problem, etc. to the next higher level of authority.
escalate v. (Uncommon) To climb.
GALATEASgalateas n. Plural of galatea.
GALATEA n. a durable cotton cloth, often striped.
HALATIONhalation n. The action of light surrounding some object as if making a halo.
halation n. The blurring of light around a bright area of a photographic image, or on a television screen.
HALATION n. a blurring of light in photographs.
OXALATEDoxalated v. Simple past tense and past participle of oxalate.
OXALATE v. to treat with an oxalate.
OXALATESoxalates n. Plural of oxalate.
OXALATE v. to treat with an oxalate.
PALATALSpalatals n. Plural of palatal.
PALATAL n. a sound made with the palate.
PALATIALpalatial adj. Of or relating to a palace.
palatial adj. On a grand scale; with very rich furnishings.
PALATIAL adj. of or like a palace.
PALATINEpalatine adj. (Historical) (of an official or feudal lord) Having local authority and possessing royal privileges…
palatine adj. Pertaining to the Elector Palatine or the German Palatinate or its people.
palatine adj. Of or relating to a palace especially of a Roman or Holy Roman Emperor.
PALATINGpalating v. Present participle of palate.
PALATE v. (Shakespeare) to relish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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