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There are 18 eight-letter words containing ALAN

ALANINESalanines n. Plural of alanine.
ALANINE n. an amino acid, also ALANIN.
ALANNAHSalannahs n. Plural of alannah.
ALANNAH n. (Irish) my child, a term of endearment used with one's child.
BALANCEDbalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of balance.
balanced adj. Containing elements in appropriate proportion; proportionately weighted on all dimensions and therefore…
BALANCE v. to have equal weight or power.
BALANCERbalancer n. One who, or that which, balances.
balancer n. An acrobat.
balancer n. Any of the rear wings of certain insects used for stability in flight.
BALANCESbalances n. Plural of balance.
balances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of balance.
BALANCE v. to have equal weight or power.
CALANTHEcalanthe n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Calanthe.
CALANTHE n. (Greek) an orchid of the genus Calanthe, having tall spikes of long-lasting flowers.
CHALANEDchalaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of chalan.
CHALAN v. (Urdu) in India, to cause (an accused person) to appear before a magistrate.
EXHALANTexhalant adj. Exhaling (emitting a fluid).
exhalant n. Something that emits a fluid.
EXHALANT n. a vessel that emits vapour or liquid, also EXHALENT.
GALANGALgalangal n. Any of several east Asian plants of genera Alpinia and Kaempferia in the ginger family, used as a spice…
GALANGAL n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGA, GALENGALE, GALINGALE.
GALANGASgalangas n. Plural of galanga.
GALANGA n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGAL, GALENGALE, GALINGALE.
INHALANTinhalant adj. Intended for inhaling.
inhalant n. Something, especially a medication, that is inhaled.
INHALANT n. something that is inhaled.
MALANDERmalander n. Singular of malanders.
MALANDER n. an eruption of the skin behind a horse's knee, also MALLANDER, MALLENDER.
MALANGASmalangas n. Plural of malanga.
Malangas prop.n. Plural of Malanga.
MALANGA n. a tropical plant, aka Mantle of the Queen.
PHALANGEphalange n. (Obsolete) A phalanx (Of soldiers, people etc.).
phalange n. (Anatomy) A phalanx.
phalange n. (Zoology) Any of the joints of an insect’s tarsus.
SEALANTSsealants n. Plural of sealant.
SEALANT n. a sealing agent.
VALANCEDvalanced adj. Furnished or ornamented with a valance.
VALANCE v. to drape with a valance.
VALANCESvalances n. Plural of valance.
VALANCE v. to drape with a valance.
ZEALANTSzealants n. Plural of zealant.
ZEALANT n. a fanatic, also ZEALOT, ZELANT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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