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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ACUL

ACULEATEaculeate adj. Having a sting; sharp like a prickle.
aculeate adj. Having prickles or sharp points.
aculeate adj. (Entomology) Having a stinger; stinging.
BACULINEbaculine adj. Of or pertaining to the rod or punishment with the rod.
BACULINE adj. pertaining to the stick or cane; pertaining to flogging.
BACULITEbaculite n. (Paleontology) Any of the extinct genus Baculites of cephalopod heteromorph ammonites.
BACULITE n. a fossil of the genus Baculites, allied to the ammonites, with a straight, tapering shell.
BACULUMSbaculums n. Plural of baculum.
BACULUM n. (Latin) the bone in the penis of certain mammals.
CARACULScaraculs n. Plural of caracul.
CARACUL n. (Russian) a sheep of Central Asia; the curled black fleece of its lambs, also KARAKUL.
JACULATEjaculate v. To throw or cast, as a dart; to throw out; to emit.
JACULATE v. to throw or cast, as a dart.
MACULATEmaculate v. To spot; to stain; to blur.
maculate adj. Marked with spots or maculae; blotched.
maculate adj. Defiled; impure.
MACULINGmaculing v. Present participle of macule.
MACULE v. to blur in printing, also MACKLE.
MACULOSEmaculose adj. Of or pertaining to spots upon a surface; spotted; maculate.
MACULOSE adj. spotted.
ORACULARoracular adj. Of or relating to an oracle.
oracular adj. Prophetic, foretelling the future.
oracular adj. Wise, authoritative.
PIACULARpiacular adj. Requiring atonement or reparation: wicked, sinful, bad.
piacular adj. Expiatory; serving to atone.
PIACULAR adj. atoning, expiatory.
TAPACULOtapaculo n. Any of a group of small suboscine passeriform birds found mainly in South America.
TAPACULO n. (Spanish) a small South American bird, also TAPACOLO.
TENACULAtenacula n. Plural of tenaculum.
TENACULUM n. (Latin) a surgical hook or forceps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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