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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ACRO

ACROBATSacrobats n. Plural of acrobat.
acrobats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acrobat.
ACROBAT n. one skilled in gymnastic feats.
ACRODONTacrodont adj. Having teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge.
acrodont n. One of a group of lizards having the teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge.
ACRODONT adj. having teeth fused with the jaw.
ACROGENSacrogens n. Plural of acrogen.
ACROGEN n. a cryptogam with a distinct permanent stem; a fern, a moss.
ACROLECTacrolect n. (Sociolinguistics) The variety of speech that is considered most suitable for formal occasions (typically…
ACROLECT n. a variety of language closest to the prestige form.
ACROLEINacrolein n. (Organic chemistry) A pungent, acrid, poisonous liquid aldehyde, CH2=CH-CH=O, made by the destructive…
ACROLEIN n. a flammable liquid, an aldehyde of allyl alcohol.
ACROLITHacrolith n. (Historical) An ancient Greek wooden statue furnished with a rupestral head and limbs.
ACROLITH n. (Greek) a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
ACROMIALacromial adj. Of or pertaining to the acromion.
ACROMIAL adj. of or pertaining to the acromion, the outer extremity of the shoulder blade.
ACROMIONacromion n. (Anatomy) The outermost point of the shoulder blade.
ACROMION n. (Greek) the outer extremity of the shoulder blade.
ACRONYMSacronyms n. Plural of acronym.
acronyms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acronym.
ACRONYM n. a word formed from the initial letters of other words.
ACROSOMEacrosome n. A structure forming the end of the head of a spermatozoon.
ACROSOME n. a thin sac at the head of the sperm.
ACROSTICacrostic n. A poem or other text in which certain letters, often the first in each line, spell out a name or message.
acrostic n. A poem in Hebrew in which successive lines or verses start with consecutive letters of the alphabet.
acrostic n. A kind of word puzzle, the solution of which forms an anagram of a quotation, and their initials often…
ACROTERSacroters n. Plural of acroter.
ACROTER n. a pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment, also ACROTERION, ACROTERIUM.
ACROTISMacrotism n. (Medicine) A lack or defect of the pulse.
ACROTISM n. absence of pulsation.
BACRONYMbacronym n. Alternative spelling of backronym.
bacronym v. Alternative spelling of backronym.
BACRONYM n. an acronym formed using the initial letters or syllables of an existing word, also BACKRONYM.
LACROSSElacrosse n. (Sports) A sport played on a field between two opposing teams using sticks (crosses) and a ball, whereby…
La␣Crosse prop.n. A city, the county seat of La Crosse County, Wisconsin.
La␣Crosse prop.n. A city, the county seat of Rush County, Kansas.
MACROPODmacropod n. A marsupial of the family Macropodidae, which includes the kangaroos, wallabies, tree kangaroos and pademelons.
macropod n. Any one of a group of maioid crabs remarkable for the length of their legs; — called also spider crab.
MACROPOD n. an animal of the marsupial family that includes kangaroos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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