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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ABAT

ABATABLEabatable adj. Capable of being abated.
ABATABLE adj. able to be abated as, an abatable writ or nuisance.
ABATISESabatises n. Plural of abatis.
ABATIS n. (French) a barrier made of felled trees, also ABATTIS.
ABATTOIRabattoir n. A public slaughterhouse for cattle, sheep, etc.
abattoir n. A place or event likened to a slaughterhouse, because of great carnage or bloodshed.
ABATTOIR n. (French) a public slaughterhouse.
ABATURESabatures n. Plural of abature.
ABATURE n. (French) a trail through a wood beaten down by a stag.
ANABATICanabatic adj. (Of a warm air current) rising (up a slope).
anabatic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to anabasis.
anabatic n. Short for anabatic wind.
CIABATTAciabatta n. A broad, flat, white Italian bread.
CIABATTA n. (Italian) a kind of bread made with olive oil.
CIABATTEciabatte n. Plural of ciabatta.
CIABATTA n. (Italian) a kind of bread made with olive oil.
RABATINErabatine n. Alternative form of rabato (“type of collar”).
RABATINE n. (Scott) a low collar.
RABATOESrabatoes n. Plural of rabato.
RABATO n. (Shakespeare) a stiff collar or support for a ruff, also REBATO.
RABATTEDrabatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of rabat.
rabatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of rabatte.
RABATTE v. (French) to rotate into coincidence with another plane, also RABAT.
RABATTESrabattes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rabatte.
RABATTE v. (French) to rotate into coincidence with another plane, also RABAT.
SABATONSsabatons n. Plural of sabaton.
SABATON n. (historical) a foot-covering as part of suit of armour.
UNABATEDunabated adj. Continuing at full strength or intensity.
UNABATED adj. not made less in degree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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