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There are 16 seven-letter words containing ASTA

ASTABLEastable adj. Not stable.
astable adj. (Electronics) Having multiple states, none of which is stable.
ASTABLE adj. not stable.
ASTANGAASTANGA n. (Sanskrit) a form of yoga, also ASHTANGA, ASTHANGA.
ASTARTSastarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of astart.
ASTART v. (Spenser) to start up, also ASTERT.
ASTASIAastasia n. (Pathology) Inability to stand without assistance.
ASTASIA n. the inability, due to imperfect muscular coordination, to keep erect.
ASTATICastatic adj. Not static or stable; unsteady, unstable.
astatic adj. Losing polarity, as a magnetic needle.
astatic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to astasia.
ASTATKIastatki n. A thick liquid residuum obtained in the distillation of Russian petroleum, much used as fuel.
ASTATKI n. (Russian) the residue of petroleum distillation, used as fuel.
BASTARDbastard n. (Dated) A person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant.
bastard n. A mongrel (biological cross between different breeds, groups or varieties).
bastard n. (Vulgar, offensive or derogatory, sometimes referring specifically to a man) A contemptible, inconsiderate…
CANASTAcanasta n. (Uncountable, games, card games) A card game similar to rummy and played using two packs, where the…
canasta n. (Countable, card games) A meld of seven cards in a game of canasta.
CANASTA n. (Spanish) a card game similar to rummy.
CATASTAcatasta n. (Historical) A platform for exhibiting slaves for sale.
catasta n. (Historical) A stage or place for torture.
CATASTA n. (Latin) a scaffold or stage for torture or selling slaves.
COASTALcoastal adj. (Geography) Relating to the coast; on or near the coast.
Coastal prop.n. (Informal) Coastal Carolina University.
COASTAL adj. pertaining to the seashore.
DASTARDdastard n. A malicious coward; a dishonorable sneak.
dastard adj. Meanly shrinking from danger, cowardly, dastardly.
dastard v. To dastardize.
HASTATEhastate adj. Of or pertaining to a spear.
hastate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Shaped similarly to a halberd, with pointed lobes pointed outward from the base.
HASTATE adj. spear-shaped, also HASTATED.
LASTAGElastage n. (Obsolete) A duty exacted, in some fairs or markets, for the right to carry things where one will.
lastage n. (Obsolete) A tax on wares sold by the last.
lastage n. (Obsolete) The lading of a ship; ballast.
MASTABAmastaba n. A wide stone bench built into the wall of a house, shop etc. in the Middle East.
mastaba n. (Architecture) A rectangular structure with a flat top and slightly sloping sides, built during Ancient…
MASTABA n. (Arabic) an ancient Egyptian tomb, also MASTABAH.
SHASTASShastas n. Plural of Shasta.
SHASTA n. a flowering plant of the daisy family.
WASTAGEwastage n. (Uncountable) The amount or proportion of something that is wasted or lost by deterioration or other natural process.
wastage n. (Uncountable) The periodical turnover of personnel in an organisation by death, retirement or resignation…
wastage n. (Countable) Anything lost by wear or waste.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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