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There are 19 seven-letter words containing ARMI

ARMIGERarmiger n. An esquire, originally carrying the armour of a knight; (hence, later) a man of the gentry ranking below a knight.
armiger n. (Loosely, heraldry) Any person entitled to bear a coat of arms.
ARMIGER n. an armour-bearer; a person entitled to bear heraldic arms, also ARMIGERO.
ARMILLAarmilla n. (Ancient Rome) An armband awarded as a military decoration in Ancient Rome.
armilla n. (Zoology) A ring of hair or feathers on the legs.
armilla n. (Astronomy) Alternative form of armill.
ARMINGSarmings n. Plural of arming.
ARMING n. the act of one that arms.
BARMIERbarmier adj. Comparative form of barmy: more barmy.
BARMIE adj. foamy; dotty, also BARMY.
BARMILYbarmily adv. In a barmy manner.
BARMY adv. foamy, dotty, also BARMIE.
CARMINEcarmine n. A purplish-red pigment, made from dye obtained from the cochineal beetle; carminic acid or any of its derivatives.
carmine n. A purplish-red colour, resembling that pigment.
carmine adj. Of the purplish red colour shade carmine.
DHARMICdharmic adj. Alternative form of Dharmic.
Dharmic adj. Of, relating to, or practicing Dharmism.
Dharmic adj. Pertaining to dharma.
FARMINGfarming n. The business of cultivating land, raising stock etc.
farming n. A farming operation; a farm, or instance of farming on a piece of land.
farming adj. Pertaining to the agricultural business.
HARMINEharmine n. (Organic chemistry) A fluorescent harmala alkaloid belonging to the carboline family of compounds, found…
HARMINE n. an alkaloid derived from harmala seeds, also HARMALIN, HARMIN.
HARMINGharming v. Present participle of harm.
HARM v. to injure.
HARMINSHARMIN n. an alkaloid derived from harmala seeds, also HARMINE, HARMALIN.
LARMIERlarmier n. (Anatomy) A tearpit.
larmier n. (Architecture) A horizontal stringcourse for preventing rain from trickling down a wall.
LARMIER n. (French) a corona or other course serving as a dripstone.
MARMITEmarmite n. A rounded earthenware cooking pot.
Marmite prop.n. (Commonwealth) A brand of sticky, dark brown, strongly flavoured spread based on a yeast extract (a…
Marmite n. (UK, informal) Something which people either love or hate.
PTARMICptarmic n. A substance, such as pepper or snuff, that causes sneezing.
ptarmic adj. Relating to a substance that causes sneezing.
PTARMIC n. (Greek) a substance that causes sneezing.
SARMIESsarmies n. Plural of sarmie.
SARMIE n. (South African) a sandwich, also SARNEY, SARNIE.
VARMINTvarmint n. A pestering animal such as one that kills or harasses a farmer’s livestock or crops.
varmint n. (By extension) An obnoxious person or troublemaker.
VARMINT n. an animal considered to be a pest, vermin, also VARMENT.
WARMINGwarming v. Present participle of warm.
warming n. A small rise in temperature.
warming n. (Slang) A beating; a thrashing.
WARMISHwarmish adj. Somewhat warm.
WARMISH adj. somewhat warm.
WARMISTwarmist n. (Politics, chiefly derogatory) A person who believes that global warming is real, and is caused by human activity.
WARMIST n. a person, esp. a scientist, who believes in global warming and the greenhouse effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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