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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing ARAT

APPARATapparat n. The Soviet machinery of state bureaucratic administration, or a similar communistic structure.
APPARAT n. (Russian) the structure, mechanism, etc. of an organization, esp. a political one.
CARATEScarates n. Alternative form of carate (skin disease).
CARATE n. a tropical skin disease, aka pinta.
EXARATEexarate adj. (Entomology, of a pupa) Having the appendages free and not attached to the body wall.
exarate v. (Obsolete) To plough up.
exarate v. (Obsolete) To write or engrave.
KARATESkarates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of karate.
KARATE n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self-defense.
NACARATnacarat n. A shade of pale red-orange.
nacarat n. Linens and cloths dyed such a shade.
NACARAT n. (French) a bright orange-red; a fabric so coloured.
PARATHAparatha n. An Indian bread with a texture somewhat resembling puff pastry; sometimes stuffed with vegetables etc.
PARATHA n. (Hindi) a flat round cake of unleavened bread, traditionally eaten as an accompaniment to Indian food.
SEARATSsearats n. Plural of searat.
sea␣rats n. Plural of sea rat.
SEARAT n. a pirate.
WARATAHwaratah n. Any of several species of plants in the genus Telopea, native to southeastern Australia.
waratah n. A Y-shaped steel fencing post or stake.
Waratah prop.n. A suburb of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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