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There are 10 seven-letter words containing ANOL

ANOLYTEanolyte n. The portion of an electrolyte near an anode, especially in a cell in which the cathode and anode are…
anolyte n. (Flow batteries) The liquid anode.
ANOLYTE n. the part of an electricity conduction solution near the anode.
BUTANOLbutanol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of four isomeric aliphatic alcohols, C4H9-OH.
BUTANOL n. a flammable alcohol.
CANOLAScanolas n. Plural of canola.
CANOLA n. edible oil from the rape plant.
ESPANOLESPANOL n. (Spanish) a native of Spain.
ETHANOLethanol n. (Organic chemistry) A simple aliphatic alcohol formally derived from ethane by replacing one hydrogen…
ethanol n. Specifically, this alcohol as a fuel.
ETHANOL n. ethyl alcohol.
GRANOLAgranola n. A breakfast and snack food consisting of loose, crispy pellets made of nuts, rolled oats, honey and…
granola adj. (Chiefly North American, of a person) Eating healthy food, supporting the protection of the environment…
GRANOLA n. (tradename) a type of crunchy breakfast cereal made with mixed grain, oats, dried fruit, nuts, etc., and honey or brown sugar.
LANOLINlanolin n. A greasy yellow substance chemically akin to wax that is secreted from wooly animals, with a variety…
lanolin v. (Transitive) To treat with lanolin.
LANOLIN n. a fatty substance obtained from wool, also LANOLINE.
OCTANOLoctanol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of many isomers of the saturated aliphatic alcohol having eight carbon atoms…
OCTANOL n. an alcohol.
PIANOLApianola n. (Music) A mechanical piano which uses a roll of perforated paper to operate its keys, instead of being…
pianola n. (Bridge) A hand that is easy to play, i.e. one that "plays itself".
PIANOLA n. (tradename) a type of player piano.
STANOLSstanols n. Plural of stanol.
STANOL n. a drug taken to prevent heart disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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