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There are 15 seven-letter words containing AMPO

AMPOULEampoule n. A small hermetically sealed vial, often used to contain a sterile solution suitable for injection.
AMPOULE n. (French) a small sealed glass, also AMPUL, AMPULE.
BAMPOTSbampots n. Plural of bampot.
BAMPOT n. (Scots) an idiot, fool, also BARMPOT.
CAMPONGcampong n. Alternative spelling of kampong.
CAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also KAMPONG.
CAMPOUTcampout n. A gathering or event at which people sleep outdoors or camp.
camp␣out v. (Intransitive) To sleep outdoors, often in a tent.
camp␣out v. (Idiomatic) To wait or queue for something expected to occur, often overnight.
CRAMPONcrampon n. An attachment to a shoe or boot that provides traction by means of spikes. Used for climbing or walking…
crampon n. (Botany) An aerial rootlet for support in climbing, as of ivy.
crampon n. (Heraldry) A heraldic figure in the form of a bar bent at the ends into the form of a hook.
JAMPOTSjampots n. Plural of jampot.
JAMPOT n. a jar for jam, also JAMJAR.
KAMPONGkampong n. (Cambodia) A landing, a port; a river town.
kampong n. Dated spelling of kampung.
KAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also CAMPONG.
LAMPOONlampoon n. A written attack or other work ridiculing a person, group, or institution.
lampoon v. To satirize or poke fun at.
LAMPOON v. to ridicule by personal satire.
MAMPOERmampoer n. (South Africa) Strong home-distilled peach or fruit liquor.
MAMPOER n. (South African) homemade distilled brandy made from peaches, prickly pear etc.
PAMPOENPAMPOEN n. (South African) a pumpkin.
RAMPOLERAMPOLE n. a dead tree or tree decayed at top, also RAMPICK, RAMPIKE, RANPIKE.
SHAMPOOshampoo n. (Originally) A traditional Indian and Persian body massage given after pouring warm water over the body…
shampoo n. A commercial liquid soap product for washing hair or other fibres/fibers, such as carpets.
shampoo n. An instance of washing the hair or other fibres with shampoo.
TAMPONStampons n. Plural of tampon.
TAMPON v. to plug with a tampon, also TOMPON.
ZAMPONEzampone n. In Italian cookery, stuffed pig’s trotter with spicy ground pork, usually dried and cured, often served…
ZAMPONE n. (Italian) a stuffed pigs' trotter sausage.
ZAMPONIzamponi n. Plural of zampone.
ZAMPONE n. (Italian) a stuffed pigs' trotter sausage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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