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There are 14 seven-letter words containing AMMA

DAMMARSdammars n. Plural of dammar.
DAMMAR n. (Malay) a hard resin used in making varnish, also DAMAR, DAMMER.
DHAMMASdhammas n. Plural of dhamma.
DHAMMA n. (Sanskrit) custom or law regarded as duty; the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, also DHARMA.
DIGAMMAdigamma n. Letter of the Old Greek alphabet: Ϝ, ϝ.
DIGAMMA n. (Greek) a letter of the Greek alphabet, which early fell into disuse.
GRAMMARgrammar n. A system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language.
grammar n. (Uncountable, linguistics) The study of the internal structure of words (morphology) and the use of…
grammar n. A book describing the rules of grammar of a language.
GRAMMASgrammas n. Plural of gramma.
GRAMMA n. (Spanish) a kind of pasture grass found in the Western United States, also GRAMA.
HAMMADAhammada n. Alternative spelling of hamada.
HAMMADA n. (Arabic) a desert plateau of bedrock, also HAMADA.
HAMMALShammals n. Plural of hammal.
HAMMAL n. (Arabic) a porter in eastern countries, also HAMAL, HAMAUL.
HAMMAMShammams n. Plural of hammam.
HAMMAM n. (Arabic) a Turkish bath, also HUMMAUM, HUMMUM.
MAMMALSmammals n. Plural of mammal.
MAMMAL n. any of a class of warm-blooded vertebrates.
MAMMARYmammary adj. (Biology) Of or relating to mamma or breast (of a woman or a female animal).
mammary n. A mamma (milk-secreting organ of a woman or a female animal).
MAMMARY n. a breast.
MAMMATEmammate adj. (Zoology) Having mammae.
MAMMATE adj. having mammae, breasts.
MAMMATImammati n. Plural of mammatus.
MAMMATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
SHAMMASshammas n. Alternative form of shamash.
Shammas prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
SHAMMAS n. (Yiddish) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMASH, SHAMMES, SHAMMOS, SHAMOS.
TAMMARStammars n. Plural of tammar.
TAMMAR n. (Native Australian) a small scrub wallaby.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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