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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing ALIT

ANALITYanality n. (Psychoanalysis) The state of being anal.
ANALITY n. a stage of infantile development thought to involve a preoccupation with the anus and defecation.
DUALITYduality n. A classification into two subclasses or opposed parts.
duality n. (Projective geometry) The interchangeability of points and planes.
duality n. (Mathematics, physics) The mathematical equivalence of two seemingly different theoretical descriptions…
EGALITEEGALITE n. (French) the state of being equal, also EQUALITY, EGALITY.
EGALITYegality n. (Archaic) Equality.
EGALITY n. the state of being equal, also EQUALITY, EGALITE.
HALITEShalites n. Plural of halite.
HALITE n. a native salt; sodium chloride.
HALITUShalitus n. A vapour.
HALITUS n. (Latin) an exhalation.
HYALITEhyalite n. (Mineralogy) A form of opal.
HYALITE n. a pellucid variety of opal in globules looking like colorless gum or resin.
ORALITYorality n. The state of being oral.
ORALITY n. the state of being produced orally.
OVALITYovality n. (Engineering) a measurement of deviation from circularity of an oval or approximately elliptical shape.
OVALITY n. the state of being oval.
QUALITYquality n. (Uncountable) Level of excellence.
quality n. (Countable) Something that differentiates a thing or person.
quality n. (Archaic) Position; status; rank.
REALITYreality n. The state of being actual or real; realness.
reality n. The real world.
reality n. A real entity, event, or other fact.
URALITEuralite n. (Mineralogy) A dark green variety of hornblende or actinolite.
URALITE n. an altered mineral, hornblende after augite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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