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There are 12 seven-letter words containing ALIA

ALALIASALALIA n. loss of speech.
ALIASEDaliased v. Simple past tense and past participle of alias.
aliased adj. Using more than one name, or being referred to in more than one way.
ALIAS v. to assume an alternative name.
ALIASESaliases n. Plural of alias.
ALIAS n. (Latin) an assumed name.
ARALIASaralias n. Plural of aralia.
ARALIA n. a genus of ivylike plants.
KALIANSkalians n. Plural of kalian.
KALIAN n. (Persian) a Persian hookah or water-pipe.
NOVALIAnovalia n. (Scotland, law) waste lands newly reclaimed.
NOVALIA n. in Scots law, waste lands newly reclaimed.
REGALIAregalia n. Royal rights, prerogatives and privileges actually enjoyed by any sovereign, regardless of his title…
regalia n. The emblems, symbols, or paraphernalia indicative of royalty or any other sovereign status; such as…
regalia n. Decorations or insignia indicative of an office or membership of an order or society; such as freemasonry.
ROSALIArosalia n. (Music) A form of melody in which a phrase or passage is successively repeated, each time a step or…
Rosalia prop.n. (Historical) A festival of roses celebrated on various dates in the ancient Roman Empire, primarily…
Rosalia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cerambycidae – certain longhorn beetles.
THALIANthalian adj. Comic; comedic.
THALIAN adj. pertaining to the Muse of comedy.
VALIANTvaliant adj. Possessing or showing courage or determination; brave, heroic.
valiant adj. Characterized by or done with bravery or valour.
valiant n. (Obsolete) A person who acts with valour, showing hero-like characteristics in the midst of danger.
VEDALIAvedalia n. Novius cardinalis (syns. Rodolia cardinalis, Vedalia cardinalis), a beetle once endemic to Australia…
Vedalia prop.n. A former beetle genus including the vedalia beetle.
VEDALIA n. an Australian ladybird.
VIDALIAVidalia n. A sweet onion first grown near Vidalia, Georgia.
Vidalia prop.n. A city in Georgia.
Vidalia prop.n. A city, the parish seat of Concordia Parish, Louisiana.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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