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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing ALEN

ALENCONAlençon prop.n. A town and commune, the capital of the Orne department, Normandy, France.
Alençon n. Alençon lace.
ALENCON n. (French) a needlepoint lace.
ALENGTHALENGTH adv. at full length.
CALENDScalends n. Often with initial capital: the first day of a month.
calends n. (By extension) A day for settling debts and other accounts.
calends n. (By extension, biblical, Judaism, obsolete) Synonym of Rosh Hodesh (“the Jewish festival of the new…
GALENASgalenas n. Plural of galena.
GALENA n. (Latin) the principal ore of lead, also GALENITE.
GALENICgalenic adj. Of, or containing galena.
Galenic adj. Of, or relating to Galen, his followers, principles or practices, especially relating to vegetable preparations…
GALENIC adj. pertaining to galena, an ore of lead.
KALENDSkalends n. Alternative spelling of calends.
KALENDS n. (Latin) the first day of the ancient Roman month from which days were counted backwards to the Ides, also CALENDS.
SCALENEscalene adj. (Trigonometry) Having sides all unequal in length.
scalene adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the scalene muscle.
scalene n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of scalene muscle..
SCALENIscaleni n. Plural of scalenus.
SCALENUS n. (Latin) a muscle in the neck, also SCALENE.
TALENTStalents n. Plural of talent.
TALENT n. a special natural ability, also TALLENT.
VALENCEvalence n. (Chemistry, medicine, obsolete) An extract; a preparation, now especially one effective against a certain…
valence n. (Chemistry) The combining capacity of an atom, radical or functional group determined by the number…
valence n. (Chemistry) The number of binding sites of a molecule, such as an antibody or antigen.
VALENCYvalency n. (Graph theory) The number of edges connected to a vertex in a graph.
valency n. (Especially chemistry) Valence.
valency n. (Linguistics) The capacity of a verb to take a specific number of arguments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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