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There are 17 seven-letter words containing ALAN

ALANINEalanine n. (Biochemistry, uncountable) A nonessential amino acid 2-aminopropanoic acid found in most animal proteins.
alanine n. (Countable) A specific residue, molecule, or isomer of this amino acid.
ALANINE n. an amino acid, also ALANIN.
ALANINSalanins n. Plural of alanin.
ALANIN n. an amino acid, also ALANINE.
ALANNAHalannah n. Alternative form of alanna.
Alannah prop.n. A female given name from the Celtic languages.
ALANNAH n. (Irish) my child, a term of endearment used with one's child.
ALANYLSalanyls n. Plural of alanyl.
ALANYL n. a univalent radical.
BALANCEbalance n. (Uncountable) A state in which opposing forces harmonise; equilibrium.
balance n. (Uncountable) Mental equilibrium; mental health; calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed.
balance n. (Literally or figuratively) Something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium; counterweight.
CALANDOCALANDO adv. (Italian) slowing with gradually lowering volume.
CHALANSchalans n. Plural of chalan.
chalans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chalan.
CHALAN v. (Urdu) in India, to cause (an accused person) to appear before a magistrate.
GALANGAgalanga n. Alternative spelling of galangal.
GALANGA n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGAL, GALENGALE, GALINGALE.
GALANTSGALANT n. (French) an 18th-century style of music characterized by homophony and elaborate ornamentation.
GALANTYGALANTY adj. as in galanty show, a pantomime shadow play.
LALANGSLALANG n. (Malay) a coarse grass of the Malay archipelago, also ALANG.
MALANGAmalanga n. Any of several Central and South American plants, of the genus Xanthosoma; yautia.
malanga n. Taro (Colocasia esculenta).
malanga n. The edible tuber of these plants, some of which have medicinal value.
PHALANXphalanx n. (Historical, plural phalanxes) An ancient Greek and Macedonian military unit that consisted of several…
phalanx n. (Historical sociology) A Fourierite utopian community; a phalanstery.
phalanx n. (Plural phalanxes) A large group of people, animals or things, compact or closely massed, or tightly…
SEALANTsealant n. Any material used to seal a surface so as to prevent passage of a fluid.
sealant n. (Construction) A mixture of polymers, fillers, and pigments used to fill and seal joints where moderate…
SEALANT n. a sealing agent.
TALANTSTALANT n. (Spenser) talon, also TALAUNT, TALON.
VALANCEvalance n. A short curtain that usually hangs along the top edge of a window.
valance n. A decorative framework used to conceal the curtain mechanism and so on at the top of a window.
valance n. (Bedding) A short, decorative edging of cloth that hangs from beneath the mattress to the floor used…
ZEALANTzealant n. (Archaic) A zealot.
ZEALANT n. a fanatic, also ZEALOT, ZELANT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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