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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing ALAM

ALAMEDAalameda n. A tree-lined avenue in Spain or Portugal.
Alameda prop.n. A municipality of Málaga, Spain.
Alameda prop.n. A city in Alameda County, California, United States.
ALAMODEalamode n. A lustrous silk fabric used for headscarves.
alamode adj. Alternative form of a la mode.
alamode adv. Alternative form of a la mode.
ALAMORTalamort adv. (Obsolete) to the death; mortally.
alamort adj. (Obsolete) Half-dead; in a depressed condition; dejected.
ALAMORT adj. (French) half dead.
CALAMARcalamar n. (Dated) A squid.
CALAMAR n. any of various species of squid, also CALAMARI, CALAMARY.
CALAMUScalamus n. The sweet flag, Acorus calamus.
calamus n. (Ornithology) A quill; the hard, horny, hollow, and more or less transparent part of the stem or scape of a feather.
calamus n. A fish of genus Calamus in family Sparidae; certain porgies.
PALAMAEPALAMA n. (Latin) the webbing of a waterbird's foot.
SALAMISsalamis n. Plural of salami.
Salamis prop.n. The largest island in the Saronic Gulf off Athens, Greece, where a famous battle in the Persian Wars took place.
Salamis prop.n. An ancient Greek city in Cyprus.
SALAMONSALAMON n. (obsolete) the mass, as in the vagrants' inviolable oath 'by the salamon'.
THALAMIthalami n. Plural of thalamus.
THALAMUS n. (Greek) a part of the brain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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