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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing AGIS

AGISTEDagisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of agist.
agisted adj. (Now chiefly Australia, New Zealand) That has been put out to pasture (of an animal), especially on…
AGIST v. to admit (livestock) for a stated time into a forest.
AGISTERagister n. Alternative form of agistor.
AGISTER n. a former officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, also AGISTOR.
AGISTORagistor n. One who agists or takes in cattle to pasture at a certain rate; a pasturer.
agistor n. (Historical) an officer of the king’s forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, and collected the…
AGISTOR n. a former officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, also AGISTER.
CADAGISCADAGI n. an Australian eucalyptus with smooth green bark, also CADAGA.
IMAGISMimagism n. (Poetry) A form of poetry utilising precise imagery and clear language.
imagism n. (Philosophy) The theory that thinking is based on the formation of images in the mind.
Imagism n. Alternative form of imagism.
IMAGISTimagist n. (Art) A follower of any of the various artistic schools known as imagism.
imagist adj. Characteristic of or pertaining to imagism.
Imagist n. Alternative form of imagist.
MAGISMSMAGISM n. the teaching of the magi.
PALAGISpalagis n. Plural of palagi.
PALAGI n. (Samoan) a Samoan word for a person from outside the Pacific islands, esp. a European.
WARAGISwaragis n. Plural of waragi.
WARAGI n. a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from bananas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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