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There are 7 seven-letter words containing AGIL

AGILELYagilely adv. In an agile manner; with agility.
AGILE adv. able to move quickly and easily.
AGILESTagilest adj. Superlative form of agile: most agile.
AGILE adj. able to move quickly and easily.
AGILITYagility n. (Uncountable) The quality of being agile; the power of moving the limbs quickly and easily; quickness of motion.
agility n. (Countable) A faculty of being agile in body, mind, or figuratively.
AGILITY n. nimbleness.
FRAGILEfragile adj. Easily broken or destroyed, and thus often of subtle or intricate structure.
fragile adj. (UK) Feeling weak or easily disturbed as a result of illness.
fragile adj. (UK) Thin-skinned or oversensitive.
MAGILPSmagilps n. Plural of magilp.
MAGILP n. a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting, also MEGILP, MEGILPH.
STAGILYstagily adv. In a stagy way.
STAGY adv. having a theatrical quality, also STAGEY.
UNAGILEunagile adj. Not agile.
UNAGILE adj. not agile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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