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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing ACTO

ABACTORabactor n. (Law, obsolete) One who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds or droves; a cattle rustler.
ABACTOR n. (obsolete) a cattle thief.
ACTORLYactorly adj. Pertaining or proper to an actor.
ACTORLY adj. in the manner of an actor.
CACTOIDcactoid n. A member of the cactus subfamily Cactoideae.
cactoid n. (Topology) A locally connected continuum that is the closure of the union of an at most countable number…
CACTOID adj. cactus-shaped.
COACTORcoactor n. (Biology) An organism that participates in coaction.
coactor n. A joint actor; one who acts with other people in some enterprise.
COACTOR n. one who acts together with another.
ENACTORenactor n. One who enacts.
ENACTOR n. one who enacts.
EXACTORexactor n. A person who makes illegal or unreasonable demands; an extortioner.
exactor n. A person who collects taxes.
EXACTOR n. one that exacts, also EXACTER.
FACTOIDfactoid n. An inaccurate statement or statistic believed to be true because of broad repetition, especially if…
factoid n. (Originally North America) An interesting item of trivia; a minor fact.
FACTOID n. a statement said so often that it is believed to be true.
FACTORSfactors n. Plural of factor.
factors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of factor.
Factors prop.n. Plural of Factor.
FACTORYfactory n. (Chiefly Scotland, now rare) The position or state of being a factor.
factory n. (Now historical) A trading establishment, especially set up by merchants working in a foreign country.
factory n. A building or other place where manufacturing takes place.
LACTONElactone n. (Organic chemistry) A cyclic intramolecular ester derived from a hydroxy acid.
LACTONE n. a cyclic ester.
LACTOSElactose n. (Biochemistry) The disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products, C12H22O11, a product of glucose and…
LACTOSE n. a lactic sugar.
REACTORreactor n. A person who responds to a suggestion, stimulation or other influence.
reactor n. (Chemistry, engineering) A structure used to contain chemical or other reactions.
reactor n. (Nuclear physics) A device which uses atomic energy to produce heat.
TRACTORtractor n. (Agriculture) A vehicle used in farms e.g. for pulling farm equipment and preparing the fields.
tractor n. (Agriculture) A movable coop without a floor to allow for free ranging.
tractor n. (US) A truck (or lorry) for pulling a semi-trailer or trailer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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