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There are 14 six-letter words containing ASSI

ASSIGNassign v. (Transitive) To designate or set apart (something) for some purpose.
assign v. (Transitive) To appoint or select (someone) for some office.
assign v. (Transitive) To allot or give (something) as a task.
ASSISTassist v. To help.
assist v. (Sports) To make a pass that leads directly towards scoring.
assist v. (Medicine) To help compensate for what is missing with the help of a medical technique or therapy.
ASSIZEassize n. A session or inquiry made before a court or jury.
assize n. The verdict reached or pronouncement given by a panel of jurors.
assize n. An assembly of knights and other substantial men, with a bailiff or justice, in a certain place and…
CASSIAcassia n. (Uncountable) The spice made from the bark of members of the genus Cinnamomum other than true cinnamon…
cassia n. (Countable) Such trees themselves, particularly the Chinese cinnamon, Cinnamomum cassia.
cassia n. (Countable) Any of several tropical leguminous plants, of the genus Cassia.
CASSIEcassie n. (US) A thorny shrub with fragrant yellow flowers, Vachellia farnesiana; the needle bush.
cassie n. A perfume obtained from this plant.
Cassie prop.n. A female given name.
CASSIScassis n. The blackcurrant plant, Ribes nigrum; the flavor of its berries.
cassis n. A liqueur made from these berries, especially crème de cassis.
cassis n. (Chiefly US) A wine flavor note, suggesting the fruity and full-bodied characteristics of the fruit;…
DASSIEdassie n. A small, herbivorous mammal in the order Hyracoidea, the rock hyrax.
DASSIE n. (South African) the hyrax.
EASSILEASSIL adv. (Scots) eastwards, easterly, also EASSEL, EASSELGATE, EASSELWARD.
JASSIDjassid n. (Zoology) Any leaf-hopper in the family Jassidae, now considered to be the cicadellid subfamily Iassinae.
JASSID n. an insect of the leafhopper family.
LASSIElassie n. (Chiefly Scotland, Northern England, Geordie, Northumbria) A young girl, a lass, especially one seen as a sweetheart.
Lassie prop.n. A name given to female dogs.
LASSIE n. (Scots) a girl, also LASS, LASSOCK.
LASSISlassis n. Plural of lassi.
LASSI n. (Hindi) a drink based on sour milk, popular in the East.
MASSIFmassif n. A principal mountain mass.
massif n. A block of the earth’s crust bounded by faults or flexures and displaced as a unit without internal…
MASSIF n. (French) a principal mountain mass.
PASSIMpassim adv. Throughout or frequently.
passim adv. Here and there.
PASSIM adv. (Latin) here and there.
TASSIEtassie n. (Scotland) A cup or goblet for drinking wine.
tassie n. A decorative ring or plug at the end of the barrel of a pen.
tassie n. A small tart or miniature pie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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