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There are 10 six-letter words containing ASPE

ASPECTaspect n. Any specific feature, part, or element of something.
aspect n. The way something appears when viewed from a certain direction or perspective.
aspect n. The way something appears when considered from a certain point of view.
ASPENSaspens n. Plural of aspen.
ASPEN n. the trembling poplar, also ASPINE.
ASPERSaspers n. Plural of asper.
Aspers prop.n. Plural of Asper.
ASPER n. (Greek) a Turkish money of account.
GASPEDgasped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gasp.
GASP v. to breathe convulsively.
GASPERgasper n. Agent noun of gasp; a person or animal that gasps.
gasper n. Something that causes one to gasp in shock, suspense, or awe.
gasper n. (Britain, slang) A cigarette.
HASPEDhasped v. Simple past tense and past participle of hasp.
hasped adj. Fitted with a hasp.
HASP v. to fasten with a clasp, also HESP.
JASPERjasper n. (Obsolete) Any bright-coloured kind of chalcedony apart from cornelian.
jasper n. An opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and other dull colors, breaking conchoidally with…
jasper n. Jasperware pottery.
JASPESjaspes n. Plural of jaspe.
jaspés n. Plural of jaspé.
JASPE n. (French) a cotton cloth with a shaded effect.
RASPEDrasped v. Simple past tense and past participle of rasp.
RASP v. to scrape with something rough.
RASPERrasper n. A person who, or thing that, rasps or scrapes.
rasper n. One who speaks with a rasping voice.
rasper n. (Slang) A fence that is challenging for a horse to jump over.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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