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There are 20 six-letter words containing ARNE

BARNEDbarned v. Simple past tense and past participle of barn.
BARN v. to store in a large storage building.
BARNETbarnet n. (Cockney rhyming slang) hair (on one’s head).
Barnet prop.n. A London borough in Greater London, England.
Barnet prop.n. A town in this borough, also called Chipping Barnet.
BARNEYbarney n. (Obsolete, UK, slang) A lark, a romp, some fun.
barney n. (Obsolete, UK, slang) A hoax, a humbug, something that is not genuine, a rigged or unfair sporting contest.
barney n. (Obsolete, Harvard University slang) A poor recitation.
CARNETcarnet n. A ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single tickets.
carnet n. (Law) A customs document that allows the temporary duty-free importation of a particular article.
carnet n. An admission pass.
CARNEYcarney n. Alternative form of carny.
carney v. Alternative form of carny.
Carney prop.n. A surname.
DARNEDdarned v. Simple past tense and past participle of darn.
darned adj. (Euphemistic) A minced oath for damned, used to express contempt, exasperation, consternation, etc…
darned adv. (Degree) Damned, extremely.
DARNELdarnel n. A species of ryegrass, Lolium temulentum, often found in wheat fields and often host to a fungus intoxicating…
darnel n. Various species of Lolium, especially as a weed in wheat fields.
DARNEL n. a species of ryegrass.
DARNERdarner n. One who darns.
darner n. A needle used for darning, a darning needle.
darner n. Any dragonfly of the family Aeshnidae; a hawker.
EARNEDearned v. Simple past tense and past participle of earn.
EARN v. to gain or deserve for one's labour or service, also ERN.
EARNERearner n. One who earns money.
earner n. (Britain, Australia) A profitable product or scheme; something that brings in good money.
EARNER n. one that earns.
GARNERgarner n. A granary; a store of grain.
garner n. An accumulation, supply, store, or hoard of something.
garner v. To reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary.
GARNETgarnet n. (Mineralogy) A hard transparent mineral that is often used as gemstones and abrasives.
garnet n. A dark red color, like that of the gemstone.
garnet adj. Of a dark red colour.
LARNEDlarned v. Simple past tense and past participle of larn.
Larned prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
Larned prop.n. A city, the county seat of Pawnee County, Kansas, United States.
LARNEYLarney prop.n. A surname from Irish.
LARNEY n. (South African) a white person, a rich person.
LARNEY adj. of clothes, smart.
SARNEYsarney n. Alternative form of sarnie.
SARNEY n. (colloquial) a sandwich, also SARMIE, SARNIE.
WARNEDwarned v. Simple past tense and past participle of warn.
WARN v. to notify in advance.
WARNERwarner n. One who warns.
warner n. Obsolete form of warrener.
Warner prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
YARNEDyarned v. Simple past tense and past participle of yarn.
YARN v. to tell a long story.
YARNERyarner n. One who tells yarns or stories.
yarner n. (Rare) A yarn spinner.
YARNER n. one who tells stories.
ZARNECzarnec n. (Mineralogy, obsolete) A native sulfide of arsenic, including sandarac and orpiment.
ZARNEC n. (Arabic) a native sulphide of arsenic, also ZARNICH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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