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There are 7 six-letter words containing ARBE

BARBEDbarbed adj. Having barbs.
barbed adj. (Heraldry) Bearded (also applied to roses, referring to the leaves between the petals).
barbed adj. (Of language, etc.) Deliberately hurtful; biting; caustic.
BARBELbarbel n. A freshwater fish of the genus Barbus or other closely related genera.
barbel n. (Biology) Whisker-like sensory organs, located around the mouth of certain fish, including catfish…
barbel n. A barb or pap under the tongues of horses and cattle.
BARBERbarber n. A person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers’ hair and beards.
barber n. A barber surgeon, a foot soldier specializing in treating battlefield injuries.
barber n. (Canada) A storm accompanied by driving ice spicules formed from sea water, especially one occurring…
BARBESBARBE n. (French) a piece of vertically pleated linen cloth worn over or under the chin, as by nuns.
BARBETbarbet n. Any of numerous arboreal birds of the families Capitonidae, Lybiidae, and Megalaimidae, within the order Piciformes.
barbet n. A dog of a small-bodied breed with long curly hair.
barbet n. Any larva of an indefinite number of species of the beetle family Coccinellidae, that is covered in…
GARBEDgarbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of garb.
GARB v. to clothe.
GARBESGarbes prop.n. Plural of Garbe.
GARBE n. (French) a (heraldic) sheaf of wheat, also GERBE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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