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There are 11 six-letter words containing ANER

ANERGYanergy n. (Physics) Dilute or disorganized energy, which cannot be transformed into work.
anergy n. (Pathology) Deficiency of energy.
anergy n. (Immunology) Lack of immunity to an antigen.
ANERLYANERLY adv. (Scots) only.
CANERScaners n. Plural of caner.
CANER n. one who canes.
DEANERdeaner n. (UK, slang, obsolete) A shilling.
DEANER n. (obsolete slang) a shilling.
INANERinaner adj. Comparative form of inane: more inane.
INANE adj. empty, senseless.
LEANERleaner adj. Comparative form of lean: more lean.
leaner n. One who leans, or inclines toward something.
LEANER n. one that leans.
LOANERloaner n. One who loans; a lender.
loaner n. (Informal) Something that is given as a loan.
LOANER n. one who loans.
MEANERmeaner adj. Comparative form of mean: more mean.
meaner n. One who means or intends something.
MEANER n. a person who means, intends, or purposes.
MOANERmoaner n. One who makes a moaning sound.
moaner n. (Derogatory) One who complains.
MOANER n. one who moans.
PLANERplaner adj. Comparative form of plane: more plane.
planer n. A woodworking tool which smooths a surface or makes one surface of a workpiece parallel to the tool’s bed.
planer n. A large machine tool in which the workpiece is traversed linearly (by means of a reciprocating bed)…
WEANERweaner n. An animal that has been recently weaned.
weaner n. A device used to help wean a young animal by keeping it from suckling.
WEANER n. a calf, lamb, or pig weaned during the current year.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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