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There are 17 six-letter words containing AMPE

AMPEREampere n. A unit of electrical current, the standard base unit in the International System of Units; colloquially…
ampère n. Alternative spelling of ampere.
AMPERE n. (French) a unit of electric current strength.
CAMPEDcamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of camp.
CAMP v. to live in the open.
CAMPERcamper n. A person who camps, especially in a tent etc.
camper n. A motor vehicle with a rear compartment for living and sleeping in.
camper n. (Video games) A person who stays in one spot during a first-person shooting game, to guard an item etc.
DAMPEDdamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of damp.
damped adj. (Of an extinguished fire) stopped from smouldering and reigniting by the application of water.
damped adj. (Physics, of a linear dynamic system) Possessing a nonzero damping ratio.
DAMPENdampen v. (Transitive) To make damp or moist; to make moderately wet.
dampen v. (Intransitive) To become damp or moist.
dampen v. (Transitive) To lessen; to dull; to make less intense (said of emotions and non-physical things).
DAMPERdamper n. Something that damps or checks…
damper n. (Chiefly New Zealand, Australia) Bread made from a basic recipe of flour, water, milk, and salt, but without yeast.
damper adj. Comparative form of damp: more damp.
HAMPERhamper n. A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles or small animals.
hamper n. (Uncommon outside New England) A wicker or plastic basket specifically for holding laundry (from clothes…
hamper n. (UK) A gift basket.
LAMPEDlamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of lamp.
lamped adj. (Ireland) extremely drunk.
LAMP v. to supply with a light.
LAMPERlamper n. One who takes part in lamping, or hunting with bright lights.
lamper n. (Dialect) A lamprey.
LAMPER n. a primitive fishlike vertebrate, also LAMPERN, LAMPREY.
PAMPERpamper v. (Transitive) To treat with excessive care, attention or indulgence.
pamper v. (Dated) To feed luxuriously.
pamper n. Alternative form of pampers.
RAMPEDramped v. Simple past tense and past participle of ramp.
ramped adj. Fitted with a ramp.
RAMP v. to swindle, esp. by the practice of causing large, false increases in the price of shares etc. by dishonest means.
RAMPERramper n. (Historical) One of a gang of ruffians who intimidated bookmakers at races, claiming to have placed…
RAMPER n. one who makes a disturbance to cover the activities of others.
TAMPEDtamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of tamp.
tamped adj. Pounded hard.
tamped adj. Packed down.
TAMPERtamper n. A person or thing that tamps.
tamper n. A tool used to tamp something down, such as tobacco in a pipe.
tamper n. (Rail transport) A railway vehicle used to tamp down ballast.
VAMPEDvamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of vamp.
VAMP v. to repair or patch.
VAMPERvamper n. One who vamps; one who creates or repairs by piecing old things together; a cobbler.
vamper v. (UK, Scotland, dialect) To swagger; to make an ostentatious show.
VAMPER n. one who vamps; one who pieces an old thing with something new.
WAMPEEwampee n. A tree, Clausena lansium, cultivated in China and the East Indies.
wampee n. The fruit of this tree.
WAMPEE n. (Chinese) an edible Asiatic fruit about the size of a large grape, with a hard yellow rind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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