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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing ASIT

ANTIPARASITICantiparasitic adj. (Medicine) That counters infection by parasites.
antiparasitic n. (Medicine) A pesticide that counters infection by parasites.
ANTIPARASITIC n. a drug designed to counter parasites.
ECTOPARASITESectoparasites n. Plural of ectoparasite.
ECTOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives on the surface of animals.
ECTOPARASITICectoparasitic adj. Of or pertaining to ectoparasites.
ECTOPARASITIC adj. of or like an ectoparasite.
ENDOPARASITESendoparasites n. Plural of endoparasite.
ENDOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives inside an animal.
ENDOPARASITICendoparasitic adj. Of or pertaining to endoparasites.
ENDOPARASITIC adj. relating to endoparasites.
HEMIPARASITEShemiparasites n. Plural of hemiparasite.
HEMIPARASITE n. a parasitic plant capable of limited photosynthetic production of sugars etc.
HEMIPARASITIChemiparasitic adj. Semiparasitic.
HEMIPARASITIC adj. of or like a hemiparasite.
HOLOPARASITESholoparasites n. Plural of holoparasite.
HOLOPARASITICholoparasitic adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a plant sustaining itself entirely through parasitism.
HYPERPARASITEhyperparasite n. (Biology) Any parasite whose host is a parasite.
hyperparasite n. (Entomology, specifically) An insect that parasitizes another parasitic insect.
HYPERPARASITE n. a parasite that is parasitic upon another parasite.
MICROPARASITEmicroparasite n. An extremely small parasite.
MICROPARASITE n. a very small parasite.
PARASITAEMIASparasitaemias n. Plural of parasitaemia.
PARASITAEMIA n. the presence of parasites in the blood.
PARASITICALLYparasitically adv. In a parasitic manner.
PARASITICAL adv. of or like a parasite, also PARASITIC.
PARASITICIDALparasiticidal adj. Killing parasites.
PARASITICIDAL adj. destructive to parasites.
PARASITICIDESparasiticides n. Plural of parasiticide.
PARASITICIDE n. the killing of parasites.
PARASITOLOGICparasitologic adj. Of or pertaining to parasitology.
PARASITOLOGIC adj. relating to parasitology, also PARASITOLOGICAL.
SEMIPARASITESsemiparasites n. Plural of semiparasite.
SEMIPARASITE n. a partial parasite, feeding partly independently.
SEMIPARASITICsemiparasitic adj. (Botany) Describing a plant that, although it uses photosynthesis, obtains some nutrition from other plants.
semiparasitic adj. (Biology) Having moderate infectiousness for living tissue.
SEMIPARASITIC adj. of, relating to, or being a parasitic plant that contains some chlorophyll and is capable of photosynthesis.
UNPARASITISEDunparasitised adj. Alternative form of unparasitized.
UNPARASITISED adj. not parasitised, also UNPARASITIZED.
UNPARASITIZEDunparasitized adj. Not having been parasitized.
UNPARASITIZED adj. not parasitized, also UNPARASITISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 33 words

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